ITB Metallurgy Held International Forum on Biohydrometallurgy
By Yasmin Aruni
Editor Yasmin Aruni

Raising up the theme "Biohydrometallurgy: Green Technology for Sustainable Development," IBS 2015 presents a lecture of 11 main speakers, namely, Professor David Holmes (Santiago, Chile), Professor Helen Watling (CSIRO, Perth, Australia), Professor Ricardo Amils (Madrid, Spain ), Professor Axel Schippers (BGR, Germany), Professor Elizabeth Watkin (Curtin University, Perth, Australia), Professor Keiko Sasaki (Kyushu University, Japan), Professor KA Natarajan (Indian Institute of Science, India), Professor Xueduan Liu (Central South University, China), Professor Mark Dopson (Linnaeus University, Sweden), Dr. Mariekie Gericke (Mintek, South Africa), and Mr. Jan van Niekerk (Managing Director Biomin, South Africa).
Presentation of scientific work of the participants, and poster presentations also became a part of IBS 2015. More than 50 posters and 70 papers came from 22 countries such as Russia, the United States, the People's Republic of China (PRC), the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Brazil , Chile, Japan, South Africa, Australia, and Indonesia, presented in IBS this year. IBS committee facilitates scientific papers that passed the selection for publication in a regular journal Advanced Materials Research (Transtech Publication), which is available online via The journal will be entered into indkes Scopus Elsevier and Ei Compendex (CPX), Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google Scholar, and ISI (ISTP, CPCI, and Web of Science).
With the IBS 2015, it is expected that participants from various universities, government agencies, research institutions, industry, and NGOs are able to exchange information regarding biohydrometallurgy technology, bioprocess for mineral processing and metal extraction, environmental control, as well as biocorrosion and bioremediation. Challenges in the commercial applications of biotechnology in the process of mineral processing, metal extraction and environmental remediation of mine also participated discussed in the forum.
Intended to help introduce the rich culture and tourism in Indonesia, especially Bali, the IBS social committee held tour for the participants and an accompanying symposium. Various treats like Tari Sekar Jagat dance, line dance, and Oleg palace dance can be enjoyed in the tour participants. Various attractions such as Batubulan batik center linen, Penelokan Kintamani, Tirta Empul, Pandawa Beach, Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Uluwatu Temple, became a destination of the participants during the two days of the tour. Typical Balinese delicacies, participants will enjoy in the Kintamani Restaurant, Restaurant Budesa, and Jimbaran. For souvenir shop, participants will be invited to tour Krishna Souvenir.

With the IBS 2015, it is expected that participants from various universities, government agencies, research institutions, industry, and NGOs are able to exchange information regarding biohydrometallurgy technology, bioprocess for mineral processing and metal extraction, environmental control, as well as biocorrosion and bioremediation. Challenges in the commercial applications of biotechnology in the process of mineral processing, metal extraction and environmental remediation of mine also participated discussed in the forum.