ITB Oceanography Undergraduate Student Won The ESRI Young Scholar Award 2021
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, Another prestigious achievement once again has been reached by an undergraduate student of ITB, Firman Nuruddin. This undergraduate student from Oceanography 2018 has been entitled as the first winner of ESRI Young Scholar Award 2021 on April 28th 2021.
This annual event, which was held by ESRI Indonesia, aims to capture best young talents in geographic information system sector. Firman, as the first winner, succeed to compete against undergraduate students from all over Indonesia who were ideating GIS to solve problems in the community.
Firman’s project, titled “Java Tuna Watch” Remote Sensing and GIS for Analyzing Tuna Fishing Gound Pattern in WPP RI 573 Area, was inspired by his concern towards fishery conditions, especially Tuna fisheries in South region of Java, which has been under a bad management until now. The condition resulted in exploitation and threat for Tuna sustainability.
According to a data model made by Blue Marine Foundation, if the fishery practice is still not under a sustainable method, Tuna species in South region of Java can possibly go extinct in 2026.
The project made better mapping for Tuna Protected Area in South region of Java possible. The time-series fishing ground analysis change can also be considered for policy making related to Open Closed Tuna Fisheries, a certain months limitation for Tuna catching to allow them to grow and reproduce with more time.
Firman’s project was highly appreciated by the judges and was soon to be announced as ESRI Young Scholar 2021. He was also given a chance being a representative from Indonesia in ESRI User Conference 2021 from ESRI Student Summit 2021, to present this project of his.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Tamara Maharani Alamsyah (TPB FSRD 2020)