ITB Open Session Graduation Ceremony

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - ITB Open Session for the First Graduation Ceremony of the Academic Year 2011/2012 was carried out on Friday and Saturday (28-29/10/11) at Sasana Budaya Ganesha, Bandung. On this year's graduation ceremony, ITB conferred respective academic degrees to 2009 graduands, more specifically, 1314 undergraduate program graduands, 648 master program graduands, and 47 doctorate graduands. Out of the 2009 graduands, 234 from undergraduate programs, 99 from master programs, and 10 from doctorate programs passed with the predicate cum laude.
The graduation ceremony for the Graduate School was carried out on Friday (28/10/11), while the ceremony for the undergraduate programs was held on the following day, Saturday (29/10/11). During this graduation ceremony, the President for ITB, Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka, delivered his opening speech entitled 'ITB's Connectivity in the Globalization Era'.

According to him, globalization is not a threat, but rather a chance to achieve progress. Due to that, all ITB alumni should think about a way to participate in the effort to invoke geocultural interactions in utilizing world resources to reach collective advancement.

Concerning ITB's efforts in earning the predicate of world class university, it is not just an effort to receive international acknowledgement, but an effort to increase the standards in order to bring forth advancement of the nation. "ITB must become one of the nodes in the geocultural topology of the world's system of higher level education," he insisted. In this opportunity, Akhmaloka also conveyed ITB's Internationalization Statements.

Award Ceremony

At the end of his opening speech, ITB's President read out the awards obtained by the academic personnel of ITB from July to October 2011. Both students and lecturerls of ITB has carved their achievements at national and international level. ITB's achievement in obtaining 4 gold, 3 silver, 1 copper and 1 favorite award in the event National College Student Science Week (PIMNAS) XII at Hasanuddin, Makassar, once again earned the appreciation from all participants of the session.

Also, there are many other achievements of ITB's academic personnels such as getting scientific articles published in international journals, becoming Indonesia's delegates in various international conferences, and winning national and international competitions. Among them, Dr. Khairurrijal from the Physics study program obtained 2nd Place in the competition National Lecturer of the Year 2011. Sarah Ervinda (Pharmaceutical Science and Technology) scored 1st Place in the international competition Bayer Young Environmental Leader at Koln, Germany. Appreciation was also given to Maria Selena from School of Business and Management who earned the predicate of Putri Indonesia 2011.

The ceremony continued with the procession of congratulating the graduands by the President of ITB, deans from respective faculties/schools, along with the respective head of the graduand's study program. The handshaking was accompanied by the tune of gamelan from the ITB Dance and Karawitan Arts Association (PSTK), and at intervals performances from ITB Angklung Choir Group (KPA) and Student Choir (PSM).

Then, the representative of the graduands, Betri Eryo Pratama (Metallurgical Engineering 2007), conveyed the closing speech. The ceremony was then closed by a prayer led by Prof. Dr. Daryono Hadi Tjahjono, Dean of ITB School of Pharmacy.

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