Young Entrepreneurs School 3.0: Channeling The Entrepreneurial Spirit

Oleh Muhammad Fikri

Editor Muhammad Fikri

BANDUNG, - After the success of the Young Entrepreneurs School (SPM) ITB first and second batch, SPM and Techno Entrepreneurs Club (TEC) organized ITB School of Young Entrepreneurs (SPM) ITB's third batch. SPM is a program to accommodate students in entrepreneurship. This educational program is initiated and administered by the Cabinet for Economic (Kemenkoan) ITB Student Family (KM ITB), in collaboration with the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (LPIK) ITB.
Year by year, the enthusiasm of ITB students to enter the world of entrepreneurship increases. KM ITB have done its share of widening the spread bof entreprenurial spirit by organizing ITB Entrepreneurship Challenge (IEC), which received very positive responses from the mass of the campus. After the success of the IEC, KM ITB established SPM as a step up from the IEC program to give birth to new, young entrepreneurs.

"In the SPM, the participants were given entrepreneurial skills. We hope to share the perspective that, after graduation, you can open your own business," said Chandra Septhidia Diamond (Industrial Engineering Management, 2010), Technical Head and Director of Human Reouces Development SPM 3.0. Diamond also hoped that the SPM can give birth to new, young entrepreneurs.

Not unlike the previous SPM, this time SPM aims to foster new entrepreneurs, instilling entrepreneurial spirit, increase the sense of business, and expand business network. The sessions will be focused on designing business plan, and includes the evaluation and business planning, techniques on funding the business, financial analysis, and market research.

For this third batch, SPM ITB opened registration for all students and young graduates who live in Bandung area. SPM opening was held on Saturday (05/05/12), concurrent with Seminar on National Independence at West Hall (Aula Barat). The classes itself is planned to be held for approximately two weeks (21/05/12-08/06/12).

This year, Community Development Partnership Program (PKBL) Pertamina will support the SPM. Through this the partnership, participants will have the opportunity to acquire venture capital and being mentored by Pertamina, as well as the opportunity to participate in trade fairs that could expand their market and business network.

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