ITB Received Certificate for Best Procurement Service from LKPP

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Intitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) received a certificate as one of the best Procurement Service Unit (ULP) by getting A accreditation for goods and services procurement from National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP).

In order to develop the capacity and governance of procurement service unit (ULP) in Indonesia, specifically in ministry/agency/local government/institution, LKPP has developed other 43 ULPs besides ITB.

The certificate was handed directly by the Head of LKPP, Agus Prabowo, at the Launching of Sister Program, held at Aula Barat of ITB on Monday (10/04/2018).

Besides showing appreciation to ITB, the event entitled “The Launching of Sister Program toward Procurement Center of Excellence” was also meant to convey the direction and policy for procurement service unit. “I hope procurement unit can provide best service within national standard,” Agus Prabowo said.

During his remark, Agus Prabowo also hoped for all agencies that conduct procurement service to perform their job professionally and appropriately. Besides A accreditation, ITB is also entrusted to be National Goods and Services Procurement Training Center and appointed directly by LKPP.

Agus Prabowo also advised ITB’s civitas academica to open a study program that relate to goods and services procurement. “Because everyone needs to do procurement, and the number from year to year will keep on growing,” Agus Prabowo said.

Dr. Agus Puji Prasetyo, General Secretary of Kemenristekdikti (Expert Staff of Minister in Productivity Relevancy) was also present in the event. In his remark, Agus Puji was certain that Kemenristekdikti supports the program, “This program can definitely eradicate corruption in the procurement of goods and services, moreover facilitate researchers to be responsible to their research instruments,” he said.

Reporter: Moch Akbar Selamat (TPB SBM 2017)

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