ITB Shares Insights on Managing PSDKU at ITB Cirebon Campus
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

CIREBON, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) shared its experience in managing ITB multi-campuses and Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) at the PSDKU Management Coordination Meeting in State University. The event was attended by dozens of rectors and took place at ITB Cirebon Campus on Saturday (11/11/2023).
PSDKU aims to broaden its access to regional education which requires collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including local governments to provide land, infrastructure, and human resources (HR).
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) commended ITB for successfully implementing PSDKU at the ITB Cirebon Campus. ITB is also collaborating with provincial and district/city governments to build and develop a branch campus in Cirebon.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng., Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, expressed his appreciation to the Ministry for entrusting ITB to share motivation and experience in managing PSDKU with other universities.
He emphasized that ITB’s multicampus concept is part of a commitment to actively advance science, technology, and the arts. The Multicampus concept also aims to increase its role in building advanced research and contributing to the development of quality human resources regionally and nationally.
"When establishing multi-campuses, it is essential to ensure uniform academic quality and other aspects. PSDKU is integral to ITB's extensive multicampus concept, and the presence of ITB in any location should generate positive environmental impacts and enhance community capacity through tridharma activities, such as the Community Service Program (KKN)," he explained.
Prof. Ir. Muhamad Abduh, M.T., Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Finance, Planning, and Development, highlighted that with the presence of multi-campuses, there is an ongoing commitment to enhance the development of infrastructure and human resources to support academic activities at ITB Cirebon Campus and other multi-campuses.
In the future, cooperation between parties will continue to facilitate the expansion of education in Cirebon. This aligns with the high expectations of the community regarding the existence of the ITB Cirebon Campus.
“The expectations from the community are very high. It is not just about their children wanting to enter ITB, but the impact on the surrounding area is significant. Apart from the number of students, the indicator can be seen by how impactful ITB’s presence is here,” he remarked.
Dr. Ir. Iwan Kustiwan, M.T., Director of ITB Cirebon Campus, stated that academic activities at ITB Cirebon commenced in January 2022. Originally scheduled to begin in 2020, the start was postponed due to the pandemic.
Now, approximately 900 students are currently enrolled in seven study programs at ITB Cirebon Campus, covering Crafts, Industrial Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, Geophysical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, and Oceanography.
ITB Cirebon Campus has made significant adjustments to various aspects, including the number of lecturers, types of learning materials, introduction of additional study programs, as well as facilities and infrastructure that align with the academic master plan. The campus is equipped with practicum facilities, research facilities, student activity spaces, studios, laboratories, student services, and sports amenities which can be carried out on campus. “We want all academic activities undertaken by students to improve the academic atmosphere. We serve them on par with other ITB campuses,” he said
Apart from this, cooperation with district/city government starting from the village level has been implemented and received a positive response. This collaboration is in the form of community service, student assignment locations, community service programs (KKN), and so on.
Reporter: M. Naufal Hafizh
Translator: Sherina Wijaya (Geological Engineering, 2019)
Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)