ITB Team Won Bronze in World-Level Game Making Competition
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,— Representing Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), the BlueCat Team took part in a global competition held by Tencent, a Chinese technology company, within the TiMi Studio Group and Tencent Institute of Games. They created a mobile game called “Clogged Sink Fishing” which focuses on raising awareness of reducing chilli waste by promoting recycling.
“We hope to continue educating the community about awareness of marine conservation and waste reduction. This competition has allowed us to develop our skills for a good cause and has become a learning experience for us as visual communication design students in the field of game design,” said Nasrullah, BlueCat Team leader, as quoted from the Tencent website.
Nasrullah added, “We are very grateful for this opportunity. During this competition, we had the opportunity to get guidance from our lecturer, Dr. Alvanov Zpalanzi Mansoor, Rahma Utami, as well as mentors from TiMi and UNEP.”In that race, the team from Southeast Asia put a fantastic performance in the global online competition hosted by Tencent. Of the 11 winning teams, student teams from Indonesia and Singapore came home with bronze medals and honorary awards. Overall, “Green Game Jam for Youth” received a collection of more than 200 students from all over the world.
As an essential contribution to the goals of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)-backed Playing for the Planet Alliance (P4P), the Green Game Jam for Youth challenge asks participating teams to submit games they have developed featuring environmental-focused elements.
Vice president of Tencent and president of TiMi Studio Group stated, “Young people are the next generation of game making, as well as game changers of the industry with their imagination and creativity.” Games or games are the 9th art form, can change people’s perspectives through interactive games and simulations, and promote social values. Therefore, Tencent is always looking for ways to invite young people to contribute with their creativity.
Competition proposals undergo a rigorous review process against global standards. The 11 winning teams shared a total prize pool of USD21,500. For the team from ITB, the BlueCat Team, who won the bronze prize, was awarded and secured a prize of USD1,000.
Reporter: Dheamyra Aysha Ihsanti (Region and City Planning, 2019)
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2020)