ITBPC 2013: International Level National Programming Competition

Oleh Muhammad Hanif

Editor Muhammad Hanif

BANDUNG, - Institut Teknologi Bandung successfully organized national programming competitions on Saturday and Sunday (16-17/02/13), the Institute of Technology Bandung Programming Contest (ITBPC). This programming competition was begun in January and the final round was held in February. The final round ITBPC was attended by thirty-four teams from universities and thirty-one junior/high school from all over Indonesia.

Theme of the competition this year is "Code the World, Be Professional". This theme is taken in order to make this programming contest to be one way to increase the level of programming competition in Indonesia, so it can be a strong provision for Indonesia delegation in the international race arena. In addition, the competition also aims to introduce participants to the professional world. By holding this competition, it is expected that students in Indonesia are motivated to explore and develop the field of programming.

This annual competition held by informatics engineering department is divided into two categories: junior and senior categories. Junior category competition followed by pre-university students, such as high school students, junior high and elementary school. While the senior category competition followed by teams consisting of a maximum of three students from universities across Indonesia.

On Sunday (17/02/13) is the main event of ITBPC. The final round junior conducted from 10.00 am until 02.00 pm. The event is then closed with a talk show with sponsors and awarding prizes and awards for the winners. Closing was held in the auditorium of East Campus Center.

The winners for the junior category was Nathan Azaria (SMAN 2 Navan) gold medalist, Jonathan Irvin Gunawan (SMAK 1 BPK Penabur Bandung) and Stefano Chiesa (SMAK 3 BPK Penabur) as the silver medalist, Ammar Fathin (SMAN Sragen Bilingual Boarding School ) and Joshua Aristo (SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang) as the bronze medalist. In the senior category, '+1 Saklar Lhompat' team from the University of Indonesia won the first prize, 'Pandawa' team from Bina Nusantara University won silver, and the bronze medalist was 'Mizafy' team from ITB.

The level of difficulty and assessment in this competition must be differentiated according to the specified categories. For the junior category scoring system, following the international programming competition grading system, the International Olympiad of Informatics (IOI). The system uses a rule subtask and tokens. Each case would have subtask which it is done correctly will give certain points. Participants were also given the opportunity to compile his whole programs, or called a token. As for the senior category, only the perfectly-done case that will be given a value.

"We decided to use the International scoring system for participants, in order to prepare the students to get the experience to compete in the international arena such as in IOI later. Meanwhile we expect for college students to be accustomed to the problems using approaches such as the professional problem," said Martha (Informatics Engineering 2010) as the ITBPC committee.

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