Improve the Spirit to Develop Aeronotika Industry in Indonesia by Aero Motivation

Oleh Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

Editor Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

BANDUNG, - Keluarga Mahasiswa Penerbangan (KMPN) ITB Otto Lilientha held the colloquium Aero Motivation on Saturday (22/11/14). The colloquium raised up tajuk 'Membangun Sinergi Industri dalam Pengembangan Pesawat N219 sebagai Transportasi Penhhubung Antar pulau di Indonesia' as a theme. Based on fact that Indonesia is archipelago country and there are some region that hard to achieve by car, this colloquium was presenting  Budi Sampurno (Program Manager N219 PT DI), Agus Aribowo (Chief Program of  N219 LAPAN), and Rais Zain (ITB lecturer of Aeronotika and Astronotika Program) as a presenter.

Passenger of domestic air transportation in Indonesia have been growth rapidly with 22% enhancement in every year. Beside that, flight pioneer to raise the economic rate in remote region and to keeping NKRI region. That's why plane N219 was created, said Budi Sampurno. In market side, about 118 unit  plane N219 civil version are needed to 2022 for Asia Pacific.

According to Budi, improvement are needed in competence of the company to design and producing the plane, to fulfill the function of this industry. The improvement also support by Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN). Development of plane N219 shown to increase the national industry, primary industry like PT Dirgantara Indonesia and supporting industry like electronic and manufacturing industry.

Agus Aribowo told this improvement is like as long sleep journey. Initiation have been done in 2004. Finance is the most problem in this improvement. More than once, the plan for this improvement have rejected. "Trauma in N250 project, Hambalang, and Century became influence the reason to rejected. On the other hand, this project need more than one year and the project funding usually base on year period," Agus said.

In Agus opinion, to create a technology transformation, integrating  in related industry, institutions of education, research organization, and certification institute are needed. Beside to develop N219, LAPAN plan to develop N245 and N270.


Deficit in Professional Human Resources

Indonesian needs plane in significant rate, but the professional human resource are limited. In his presentation, Raiz Zain invite to all audineces to create a professional qualification in Indonesia. "Student must be fight to create that. There are no choice to travel this maritime continent except water transportation and flight. Except yo want to swim," Said Raiz.

In His opinion, air transportation are fastest, cheap, and match for Indonesia's condition now. While the fast rate of Indonesia domestic flight, Indonesia need to fulfill it by own resources. Raiz hopes that foreign company can't control the market. "Human resources in Indonesia are not good enough. Students, especially dirgantara student must have a integrity to fight as consistent as possible," Raiz said. Dr. Taufiq Mulyanto as chief of Aeronotika and Astronotika Program, also describe to create spirit and soul to developaeronotika industry in Indonesia.


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