ITB's Rector: Science and Technology Graduate Must Serving the People
By Muhammad Fikri
Editor Muhammad Fikri

To solve many problems in the society, a graduated scholar need to perform interactions and dialogs with very diverse people, and take learnings from the past event. "We need to be actively involved in those learnings to identify the problem and connection with other problems, " he stated.
Multidiscipline and Multi Knowledge
Multidiscipline and multi knowledge approach is a solution to solve problems in society. "Science and technology are two important sources to form the social justice. This situation can be achieved if only science and technology have been spread to every part of society, "
In this opportunity, Akhmaloka mentioned the challenge and task to every graduate and academician who work at private and governmental sector to develop the concept and model of empowerment through science and technology.
ITB's Graduate as Agent of Change
A science and technology graduate, especially ITB's graduate is a agent of change who strive for social justice. He also emphasize the seven main values that important to be remembered everytime values - honest, responsible, fair, care, discipline, visioneer, being helpful, and cooperation.
The future global leaders should emphasize the essential humanity value, truth, nobleness, and sociability. "Let's build a strong determination in our hearts to strengthen ITB to give a better education and social welfare for Indonesia, "
Multidiscipline and Multi Knowledge

In this opportunity, Akhmaloka mentioned the challenge and task to every graduate and academician who work at private and governmental sector to develop the concept and model of empowerment through science and technology.
ITB's Graduate as Agent of Change
A science and technology graduate, especially ITB's graduate is a agent of change who strive for social justice. He also emphasize the seven main values that important to be remembered everytime values - honest, responsible, fair, care, discipline, visioneer, being helpful, and cooperation.
The future global leaders should emphasize the essential humanity value, truth, nobleness, and sociability. "Let's build a strong determination in our hearts to strengthen ITB to give a better education and social welfare for Indonesia, "