ITB’s View to Dissemination of Ideology that Contravenes with Four State Pillars

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – Indonesian Educational Institutions have a duty to develop Indonesia especially in education. ITB as an education institution in Indonesia share the same duty. Focusing in developing and strengthening Indonesian youth in Science, technology, arts and humanities, ITB strongly holds on to Four State Pillars which are the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945), the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and the Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) to embrace the diversity of Indonesia emerged since the beginning of Indonesia’s conception.

Diversity which should be regarded as a strength to accommodate interests and challenges in Indonesia is recently regarded as a deficiency that divides the nation. It is unfortunate that political views that contravene with diversity are propagated to the society, especially in educational environment where no political view is endorsed. ITB is among the education institutions that recently became public discussion regarding the dissemination video of a certain ideology that contravening with Four State Pillars.

In order to share ITB’s official view regarding dissemination of ideologies that contravene with Four State Pillars and to respond to that controversy, on Monday (03/07/2017) at Rapim A room, Rector’s office building, ITB held a press conference. ITB’s official view was delivered by Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Bermawi Iskandar, and Vice Rector of General Administration, Alumni and Communication, Dr. Miming Miharja.

On that occasion, Prof. Bermawi stated that every student activity in ITB should comply with Four State Pillars. It is fantastic for Indonesia, which is constituted from Sabang to Merauke and of diverse cultures, religions and ethnicities, to build a unitary state with Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Pancasila is a compromise that accommodate all parties. Students may be actively involved in organizations and discussions related to politics because students should understand politics. However, students’ organization should not affiliate themselves with political or any other kind of organization outside of ITB. Activities which are not in comply with the guidelines will receive an action from ITB according to academic rules of ITB regarding students’ organization which, for many years, has been effective. the appearance of such video does not affirm that ITB facilitates such ideology and effort that contravene with Four State Pillars.

Dr. Miming Miharja as the Vice Rector of General Administration, Alumni and Communication added that every students’ activity under ITB is regulated under set rules. Monitoring and evaluation on the student units have been conducted since long. ITB through Student Institution conducted surveillance to many activities of students in their Student Units. He also asserted that incompliant event will not receive permit.

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