FORESTCLAMATION: Saw The Reclamation Process in Post Mining Land

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG, Main problems that arise in the post-mining activities are changes in the environment. These changes include changes in the landscape, hydrology, and soil productivity on mining land. To overcome these problems, required post-mining reclamation activities. Forestry Engineering ITB 2012 held a study visit Forestclamation (Field Study of Forestry Engineers on Post Mining Reclamation) in one of the coal mining company in Indonesia, PT Jorong Barutama Greston (PT JBG), South Kalimantan. The visit lasted for a few days (16-19 / 03/15) with the aim of seeing  post-mining reclamation process directly that has been carried out in Indonesia.
This event was attended by 35 participants and 2 lecturers. Events for several days is meant to broaden the understanding of forestry engineering students on post-mining reclamation techniques are not facilitated directly by the courses that will be in the student's scope of work. In addition, students also had the opportunity to visit the forest industry, such as PT. INHUTANI III and Seeding Plants of Kalimantan Forest (BPTH Kalimantan).

In this activity students are guided by the Chairman of Reclamation PT JBG, Razali Rakhman, to see the post-mining land reclamation process. Mining activities in particular coal mining will leave a huge hole and the pit that damage the original ecosystem. In general, mining activities carried out in the area belonging to the Ministry of Forestry that post-mining reclamation should be based on an agreement between the company and the forestry ministry. Post-mining land reclamation will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the subsequent land use.

Reclamation is the return of a state effort to be like before. Land reclamation may involve planting on marginal lands with the aim of restoring the ecosystem. Reclamation processes are conducted in PT JBG includes stripping and stockpiling of soil cover, acid mine water management, erosion and sedimentation procurement, reclamation and revegetation, and management of air quality. In the reclamation area of ​​PT JBG itself is dominated by Acacia mangium plants. Types of plants were chosen because former mining area in the form of industrial timber estates (HTI). In addition, the land reclamation is also used hydroseeding technology, namely technology planting by spraying seeds mixed with water and glue. This technology is suitable for planting on sloping land, as most of the former mining areas.

According to Dr. Endah Sulityowati (Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences and Technology), post-mining reclamation plan would have to pull to the beginning of the current or prior exploration to mining activities. During this time, a new reclamation technical planning will be done after mining is completed. Supposedly, the company and the forestry ministry in advance mutually agreed to coordinate the planning of reclamation.

First Big Event of Student Council

According to Dwiki Muhammad Ridwan (Forestry Engineering ITB 2012), Forestclamation is the first large-scale activities for the set program of study, HMH Selva ITB, the newly established. During this time, he said the course has made several field study activities, but these activities are held as supporting practicum. This activity itself is a joint initiative of the students.

"As a first generation college students, we are still blind to the overall forestry engineering applications. So we want to go directly to the field to see one of our scientific field applications are emphasized in the future, namely the post-mining land reclamation. Forestclamation is worthwhile activities in developing Forestry Engineering science, "said Dwiki.

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