SFF 2014: Introducing Future Technology through Science Film Festival
By Hafshah Najma Ashrawi
Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - This year the Science Film Festival (SFF), which was initiated by the German Cultural Center Goethe Institut presented in Indonesia using theme "Technology of the Future". Besides Indonesia, SFF 2014 was also held in other countries, namely Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, United Arab Emira, Sudan, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, and Philippines. For the implementation in Indonesia, which has entered the 5th edition, the SFF 2014 held simultaneously in 37 cities from Aceh to Merauke. ITB again believed to be one of the hosts for the SFF 2014 in Bandung with located in Room 9311, Building TP Rachmat (VI Technology Laboratory) on Monday-Friday (17-21 / 11/14).
"The aim of the SFF is a science education to the community, especially the children. We would like to introduce and explain science through the film to make it more interesting," said Sulastri Majid as the representative of the Goethe Institut Bandung. "The films that we played at this festival were selected from various countries, including Indonesia. Every year we make a different theme and this year the theme is the technology of the future," he explained.
The films cathegories screened at the SFF 2014 are divided into three, namely Family Edutainment, Ecology and Environment, and Natural Science, Life Science, and Technology. A total of 277 films were received by the committee this year, finally selected to 78 films from 27 countries with stories ranging from the animated film about energy savings of up to film describes a supercomputer. Among the films that got away from the jury selection, there are two of Indonesia's film titled "microhydro - a drop for light" and "Chasing the Cardinal Direction".
SFF 2014 held by a cooperation with the League ITB ITB Student Film. In addition to film screenings, the festival is also filled with a variety of other interesting activities, such as games and fun science experiments for kids. Despite the fact this festival aimed at children aged 9-16 years, but there were many ITB students who are interested to follow. "The festival is fun and educational. Although most of the film is intended for small children, it turns out nice and helpful as well for kids my age because there is some information that should we have known since childhood so just know now through this festival. One interesting lesson is about how we often create a technology that actually even destroy the balance of natural ecosystems, "said Hilman Hafiza (Engineering Physics, 2013), one of the students who attended the event.