Karla Bionics Startup Wins the 2022 International Cybathlon Challenge
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Institut Teknologi Bandung has assisted in the establishment of many technology-based startups. One of them is Karla Bionics which is committed to the innovation of prosthetic arms.
The startup is led by Wildan Trusaji, S.T, M.T, a professor at the ITB Engineering Management Study Program. Five other members of the startup- three students and two alumni- joined the competition with Wildan. They are Sekar Kedaton (Engineering Management 2019), Alya Hanun (Engineering Management 2019), Andy Lucky (Electrical Engineering 2018), Syaiful Hammam (Product Design 2014), and Nurseptian Pratomo (Mechanical Engineering 2010).
The startup team succeeded in creating prosthetic arms to help those who are disabled. “Our team created the startup incubator, Karla Bionics, which collaborates with LPIK-ITB,” Sekar stated during the team’s interview on Wednesday (1/6/2022).
The 2022 International Cybathlon Challenge held on 17 May 2022 had teams from different countries face off against one another. The multi-sport event organized at ETH Zurich, Switzerland allows disabled people to compete and complete daily tasks using the advanced technical assistance system and technology available. Three categories are open to register: wheelchairs, prosthetic arms, and exoskeletons. Representing Indonesia, Karla Bionics emerged in third place out of the five participating teams in the arm prosthesis race.
The Karla Bionics team designed the K22BP Arm Prosthesis based on the whippletree mechanism to allow an intuitive grip feature. Adapted from the structures of running shoes, the team created the arm sockets to be adaptive and comfortable. One of the materials used to manufacture it is polyvinyl chloride, which is processed from thermoforming to give the product a bionic look. The utilization of polyvinyl chloride also boosts the confidence of the users.
The K22BP Arm Prosthesis has been equipped and undergone a trial with a pilot- a rock drummer named Yayat Supriyatna. Having worked with Karla Bionics for three years, he believes that his current state is not a form of weakness. Instead, it is a uniqueness that opens many possibilities in his life to achieve higher goals. Thanks to the K22BP Arm Prosthesis, he can continue to pursue music and create drum covers on his Youtube channel Yayat Supriyatna.
Reporter: Yoel Enrico Meiliano (Food Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)