KKN Tematik ITB 2019, the Implementation of Three Pillars of Higher Education

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – For the fifth time, ITB organize Thematic Student Study Service (KKN Tematik) as a part of community services. This time, the KKN Tematik will be conducted for 21 days in Buanamekar Village in Panumbangan District of Ciamis Regency, West Java.
The participants of KKN Tematik 2019 was released by Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs of ITB, Prof. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar on Tuesday (23/7/2019) at West Campus Center Yard of ITB.  “KKN Tematik is ITB’s community service action conducted by students,” said Prof. Bermawi. He reminded the participants of KKN-T ITB 2019 to conduct the activity with sincerity because it will be a priceless experience and will be useful in making positive works for the community in the future.

After the official release at around 7.00 a.m, KKN-T participants departed from ITB to Ciamis, in which the trip took 3 to 4 hours. Participants’ arrival was greeted with opening ceremony in Buanamekar Village. As much as 219 students and 30 committee members participate in the activity organized directly by Student Affairs of ITB.

Participants were divided into 5 groups with different theme focus, such as education, agriculture, water, infrastructure, and energy respective to their scientific clusters. The KKN-T this time also carry a new concept where multiple themes are applied to work program in each hamlet. For example, in Pasir Jaya Hamlet, agriculture, water, and energy theme are applied. For three weeks, participants will conduct the work program for each theme which is agreed upon by the community. The participants will then live among the community to build ideal social relation for working together with the community.

There are a number of programs to conduct for each theme. For education theme, a reading garden is to build on Cibulakan Hamlet. As for water theme, water transmission as clean water channel will be built.

For infrastructure theme, participants will build Washing, Bathing, and Lavatory Facility (MCK) on designated locations. For energy theme, participants plan to build public street lightings (PJU) on several streets in Buanamekar Hamlet. As for agriculture theme, procurement of vertikultur (vertical cultivation), composter, and trichoderma will be conducted on every hamlet because the majority of the community works as farmers. Dissemination related to the themes will also be intensified to bring the utmost from the local community’s potential.

Head of KKN-T, Bagoes Suryo said that the activity’s design began since December 2018. Before the KKN, participants first attended lectures on various materials such as social science, Sundanese local content, and social mapping. The materials are to prepare the students in running each KKN-T program.

Participants are also equipped with knowledge relating to each theme. “For example, for water theme, a lecture was conducted about clean water transmission system. Besides classroom courses, other preparations that would strengthen the relationship between each participant were also conducted. The urgency of having good relationship between each other has been raised in Outbound KK-T held on 6-7 July,” said Bagoes.

Bagoes hopes that the KKN-T will build up students’ awareness towards their surrounding community as an implementation of Three Pillars of Higher Education, especially regarding community services. Relationship between participants and the community are expected to run well as to create conducive atmosphere in running each program.

Reporter: Sabrina Farah Salsabilla (Environmental Engineering 2016)

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