National Meeting of 20th Anniversary Gamais ITB

Oleh Krisna Murti

Editor Krisna Murti

Bandung, - For the first time, Moslem Students Family (Gamais) ITB held National Meeting in the framework of the 20th birthday of Gamais. Along with the Meeting, Gamais also held the first Alumnae Body (IA) Gamais ITB congres. Both of the agendas were held for two days, starting last Saturday (3/11). On the first day, meetings were held at Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) ITB; started with participants registration at 11.00 am, continued with lunch and prayer. The meeting was officially opened at 1.00 pm, with opening speech from committee representative, continued with opening speech from Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa. Next, the elected IA executive, elaborated their responsibility report and led discussion on rules of congress. Then, congress agreed on Anggaran Dasar and Garis Besar Haluan Program of IA Gamais. After a short break, congress agreed also on rules of general election and on candidates of head of IA Gamais. About 400 participants of the congress then elected the first head of IA Gamais after they listened to vision-mission of the candidates. Tjatur Sapto Edy was elected as the head of IA Gamais ITB for period of 2007-2010. Day one of congress closed with prayer by K.H Miftah Faridl. Day two of congress was held on GOR Wisma Poltek Pos at 9.00 am. Most of the agenda for day two was unofficial meeting, amusement shows, and games.

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