From PIMNAS 2016 towards a Future Portal of Indonesia

Oleh Owen Nixon Jimawan

Editor Owen Nixon Jimawan

BANDUNG, - Initially, it was only a dream to share the spirit of creations to all over Indonesia owned by some students of ITB: Jonathan Pribadi (Electrical Power Engineering 2012), I Wayan Kurniawan Aditya W. (Electrical Power Engineering 2012), Diardano Raihan (Electrical Engineering 2012), and I Wayan Palaguna Krisnadi (Electrical Power Engineering 2013). Armed with grounded innovative ideas and sincerity, invites the public to produce creations independently with a language that is easily understood. At 29th National Science Week (PIMNAS) in IPB, team proved its potential and won the gold medal in the field of Entrepreneurship Student Creation Program  (PKM-K) with all of its uniqueness and surprise. Runway
The idea to create a site-based Do-it-Yourself (DIY), sparked when they saw the nature of Indonesian society who tends to be more consumptive than productive. In fact, the objects created by the professionals and sold on the market can be created easily as long as the process steps are known. Therefore, the four students were encouraged to complete with tutorials containing a clear explanation, such as tools and materials, workmanship gradual steps, as well as photographs that can simplify the manufacturing process. The instructions provided by are divided into four broad categories, namely technology, food, decorations, and crafts. To promote Indonesia through increased productivity, there must be a target from team.

"Not only do we want to reach every individual, we also want to reach every community from Sabang to Merauke. We also want the communities to exchange ideas and thoughts about creations with, so that new things can be exposed through the site,"Diar said.

Struggles of Facing PIMNAS
The journey towards PIMNAS was not easy. They had to work hard to learn programming and other things needed to create the site among other bustles, such as working on thesisas their main responsibility as students of the 8th semester at the time. In addition, team also tried to make unique and creative strategies for their presentation.
Providing with a characteristic that could be easily remembered by the judges, when competing with other participants, was also not easy. In the end, with a presentation packaged in the form of interactive talk show, successfully amazed the audience with its interesting concept. The whole process would be impossible without the support of several parties, such as Student Organizations (LK), supervisor, Kak Ubay, and Barudak ITB Juara (formerly known as Satgas PKM). "Without them, we might not be up here," Jonathan said.

Their struggle does not end here. After PIMNAS, they are determined to develop and improve so that it can be used by the public better. With, they hope Indonesian people's interest in making creations can be embodied and channeled.

"A real winner is the person who always works with a sincere heart. Victory is not something that should be planned or thought out. With sincerity, let the time answer,"one of the members of team said. According to them, sincerity will contribute and result in achieving victory.

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