ITB Civil Engineering Students Excel in IDEERS 2023, Earn Certificates for Earthquake-Resistant Designs
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, — A team of Civil Engineering students from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), known as the Kuya Sigma Team, showcased their engineering prowess at the "Introducing and Demonstrating Earthquake Engineering Research in Schools (IDEERS) 2023" competition held by the Taiwan National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) from September 21-23, 2023. This marked ITB's debut in the prestigious international event.
Comprising Syauqi Dwi Ryan Ardhani, Gilang Arditya Nitisara, Ilyas Bianto, and Azzam Zaki Nahdi, along with their advisor, Erwin Lim, Ph.D., the team competed against 42 teams from various countries. The challenge involved constructing a structural model using Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) wood sticks, glue, twisted cotton cord, and rubber. The structure underwent testing with vertical loads and artificial earthquakes on a shaking table, gradually increasing the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) until reaching 800 gal (cm/s2).
Despite being first-time participants, the Kuya Sigma Team overcame challenges such as the lack of experience and familiarity with the competition format. Intensive preparations included repeated modeling with software, structural design, and testing to identify the optimum model. They navigated complexities like structural mechanics, earthquake-resistant design, material selection, and modeling techniques within a limited timeframe and resources. Additionally, the team faced the unique challenge of testing structures against vertical loads and artificial earthquakes using basic equipment.
Through iterative practice and collaboration with ITB lecturers, the team achieved a structural design embodying a harmonious integration between a rigid podium and a flexible tower. Named the "Yin Yang Tower" inspired by the Yin and Yang philosophy, the model stood 51 cm tall, weighed 390 grams, and secured a "Certificate of Quake-Resistant" by withstanding an acceleration of 800 gal.
Reflecting on the experience, Gilang, one of the team members, emphasized the competition's significance in highlighting the importance of earthquake protection for infrastructure sustainability, especially in Indonesia's seismically active region.The team also engaged in discussions with civil engineering professors and students from various countries during the event. Supervisor Erwin Lim, Ph.D., highlighted the competition's role in honing students' engineering judgment skills and providing exposure to different cultures.
Erwin praised the Kuya Sigma Team's application of structural design and dynamics knowledge acquired during their studies. The team's ability to analyze and observe building behavior under earthquake forces, demonstrated through their sturdy structure at 800 gal, showcased their dedication and competence in earthquake engineering.
The Kuya Sigma Team's achievement in receiving the "Certificate of Quake-Resistant" serves as a remarkable initiation for ITB's representation in the IDEERS competition. The success underscores the students' commitment and resilience in tackling international challenges in earthquake engineering.
Reporter: Satria Octavianus Nababan (Informatics Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology, 2021)
Editor: Vera Citra Utami