One Day Seminar: Embedded Model Predictive Control (MPC)

Oleh Mandeep Kaur Gill

Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, Dr. Ling Keck Voon, a lecturer of Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, gave a general lecture to ITB students- a full day workshop called Embedded Model Predictive Controller (MPC), Wednesday (14/5) Dr. Keck introduced and explained the embedded concept system, Model Predictive Control and a variation of its applications to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Model Predictive Control is a control technology which has the problem breakdown in physical obstruction feature. Lately, MPC technology has been used by all kinds of industries and had been integrated into embedded systems with miniature complementary features making it possible for large machines that need wide spaces shrink to the size of a chip. Dr. Keck, an Oxford University graduate is the former engineer for the Singapore Defense Department. Keck’s interest of MPC was proven in a few of his science journals. One of the papers Multiplexed Model Predictive Control, written with JM Maciejowski and BF Wu was presented in the 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, July 2005

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