PhysicsFest 2011: Physics for Mankind
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - A set of events dubbed PhysicsFest 2011 has just recently finished. The fest was convened by the Physics Student Union (HIMAFI) under the theme "Physics for Mankind".
On Wednesday (01/26/11), an ethnic dance from the Aceh Arts Unit (UKA) opened the PhysicsFest Exhibition, an exhibition showcasing the phenomenons studied in physics and their developments by viewing the diversity and the richness of physics and its applications. The exhibition consisted of two parts; Proficio Expo and Wonders of Physics.
In the Proficio Expo, many frontline researches and instruments done by the various disciplines in physics were shown. These disciplines are: Biophysics, Nuclear Physics, Theoretical High Energy and Instrumentational Physics, Complex System Physics, Electronic Materials, and Magnetic & Photonic Physics.
Wonders of Physics was an exhibition showcasing instruments made by students and Indonesia's Science and Technology Instrumentational Model Center (PP IPTEK). These instruments were shown and put at the exhibition in order to stimulate the next generation to innovate and create various new findings. Visitors were welcome to try the instruments.
"Physics' Role in the Nation's Growth" Seminar
The second day commenced with the PhysicsFest Colloqium, which was a seminar themed "Physics' Role in the Nation's Growth". It was held in the main gallery room of the East Campus Center and consisted of two sessions; social physics and health physics.
The social physics session presented Robby Muhammad, Ph.D, a physicist-sociologist known for his Small World research which was already published in CNN, The New York Times, and 88 other international media. He hosted a seminar under the topic "Physics Mastery to Engineer Social Movement and Media". In the second session, the seminar presented Prof. Dr. Eng. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, M.Si., a nanotechnology expert whose books "Pengantar Nanosains" and "Menembus Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional dan Internasional" were already published.
The event was prepared within seven months. It aimed, among others, to show the society that physics isn't as imposing and difficult as feared by many. The event was concluded by a performance from the Mining Students Union (HMT) Semi-Dangdut Orchestra (OSD).