ITB Mathematics Distinguished Lecture Series 2022 Presented a Field Medal Laureate
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – ITB Mathematics Distinguished Lecture Series (ITB-MDLS) is a seminar series that was held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB. The seminar presented prominent figures in various mathematical branches from all over the world.
FMIPA ITB Professor, Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., said, one of the objectives of this lecture series is to give new insight and perspective on the mathematical field to the wider audience, as well as develop and encourage the research ecosystem for the math-related subject, both on the national and regional scale.
ITB-MDLS was first held in 2021 and has invited many figures from various expertise and prominent campus such as Prof. Kotani (Tohoku U, Japan), Prof. Munthe Kaas (Bergen U, Norway), Prof. Ritzenthaler (Rennes 1, France), Prof. Brualdi (UW Madison, USA).
"ITB-MDLS 2022 will be opened by an online lecture from Prof. Sir Martin Hairer, Imperial College, London. He is the 2014 Fields Medal Laureate and the 2021 Mathematics Breakthrough Award Laureate," said Prof. Edy.
Fields Medal is one of the most prestigious awards in the mathematical field, it is the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in the physics, chemistry, medicine, or economic fields. The Fields Medal is awarded every four years to an outstanding mathematician who is younger than 40 years old and has made an impactful contribution to the mathematical field.
Prof. Hairer was awarded the Fields Medal in 2014 for his contribution in inventing new ways to investigate large-scale dynamic models, such as weather and the modern monetary system, using the uncertain probability method.
This dynamic probabilistic approach can solve a variety of complex problems that cannot be solved using the conventional deterministic approach. However, this method has its own irregularities.
The Regularity Structure theory that was introduced by Prof. Hairer provides mathematicians with a new perspective when dealing with the irregular dynamic problem. The Regularity Structure also propelled the advancement of the Stochastic Partial Differential Equations mathematical field by showing new directions where the theory can be applied essentially.
The Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, said in his speech that there are three fields in mathematics that are very important and need to be taught in every school, those are statistics, probability, and data science. Prof. Hairer's expertise and subject of research coincide exactly with these three branches of mathematics. This creates some relevance for us to take a deeper look at his publication.
"The topic of today's lecture by Prof. Hairer is not only intended for an evening discussion of scientist or mathematician, but also a means of propelling the advancement of scientific progress in this nation," explained Prof. Edy.
The 11 March 2022 ITB-MDLS lecture was held to commemorate the International Mathematics Day that falls on 14 March, which is also known as the International Pi Day.
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)