Prevent The Effect of Climate Change, ITB Held A Workshop to Community
By Neli Syahida
Editor Neli Syahida

Through this event, the experts of climate change from those three institution, explained their knowledge to lecturers, students, and other participants. Speaker from ITB was represented by Center of Climate Change IT (CCC ITB). Speakers conveyed the importance of Knowledge Management as one of methods for sharing knowledge to overcome climate change.
This workshop also one of realization of a signing between ITB, UNITAR, and DPNI to develop Knowledge Management Modules on Climate Change (KM CC) in December 2013. KM CC model was expected to be motivator, guidance, and tool to overcome climate change issue in research of scientific community. It is aiming for build integration and update relevant information from all of published information.
Besides that, this event also was attended by some of researchers who directly involved in climate change issu. They are Prof.(Hon). Dr. (Hon) Rachmat Witoelar as keynote speaker (DNPI), Hari Wibowo (IPCC Indonesia), Dr. Agus Supangat (Climate Change Network on Universities & Research Institute), Djoko Santoso Abi Suroso Ph, D (CCC ITB), Andiral Purnomo (Dunamis Consulting), Saut Lubis M.Sc, and etc. This event consisted of two panel discussion about scientific community research on climate change and knowledge management of climate change.
Before workshop began, Head of ITB, Prof. Akhmaloka in his speech said that ITB as one of science and technology based university, also concern to global issues, include of climate change. CCC ITB is also one of ITB research center focus on national climate change. In the next session, Head of Climate Change Center (CCC) ITB, Djoko Santoso Abi Suroso PhD explained, throug knowledge management, researcher concern to climate change who are separated in many sectors can integrate so they can reach government and communities.