Prof. Suhono Supangkat Presents the Results of the T20 Conference in SCCIC-ERIA Forum
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Today’s development of civilization in Indonesia is inseparable from past events. These events seem to connect with one another, and there will always be a lesson that can be drawn from them.
The SCCIC-ERIA forum was held at Nusa Dua, Bali, with the topic "Shaping Digital Innovations for A Sustainable and Stronger Recovery". The Chairman of ITB SCCIC Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhono Harso Supangkat., M.Eng. was there to discuss the recommendations mentioned in the T20 conference, which talked about digitalization during post-pandemic development and recovery.
Referring to the G20 framework, digitalization is a catalyst for all transformation. For better recovery, it is geared towards productivity, resilience, stability, inclusivity, and sustainability in growth. Efforts in achieving a new era may bring forth a productive, balanced economic and financial climate that maintains its equal attention and opportunities for everyone. "Digitalization is the passion, as an enabler, in creating an environment through cooperation and stable leaderships," Prof. Suhono stated.
T20 researchers and experts estimate the value of economic digitization to reach 500 billion US dollars. This is an obstacle for both developed and developing countries in actualizing digital transformation. The focus of digital transformation is the transition of data infrastructure from manual to digital.
According to Prof. Suhono, the concept of digitalization and smartization are not only about technology but also about the people, government, and data management.
Smarter X Model
Prof. Suhono introduced the invention of the Smarter X model from projections of digitalization and smartization. This model illustrates the development goals to improve the quality of life through a multisectoral approach.
From the model, three main elements are stated. The resource layer signifies the resource itself. The enabler layer indicates humans and technology used for processing the resources while the service layer serves as the domain of development. The service layer will lead people towards a better life via digital transformation.
"Smarter X is also published in the T20 policy report. Its actualization needs supporting agents like human resources, smart government, and cutting-edge data and technology infrastructure," he added.
From the formulated concept, Prof. Suhono conveyed the recommendations from the T20 conference, especially those related to the conditions in G20 countries. The recommendations are summarized as six digital transformation statements shown as the following:
1. Provision of quality and affordable network connections to support digital transformation and prevent digital inequality
2. Collaboration with governments and internet service providers to procure adequate digital infrastructure and accessible data
3. Agreements to obtain internet access and data usage from the public
4. Transfer of personal data from third parties to digital consumers using AI
5. Creation of a database system that is inclusive of everyone
6. Encourage G20 countries to create a framework and model of smart cities that are economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable
Reporter: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)