Professor of Transportation Engineering ITB Prof. Ofyar Z. Tamin Passed Away
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, big family of the Institut Teknologi Bandung mourned the passing of Prof. Dr. Ir. Ofyar Z. Tamin, M.Sc., on Wednesday (9/6/2021). He was a Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering ITB from the Transportation Engineering Research Group.
Prof. Ofyar was the Rector of the Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) for the 2018-2022 period. In addition, he was the Dean of ITB Graduate School for the 2004-2010 period. Unfortunately, he passed away at RSCM Kencana Jakarta this morning at around 06.55 WIB. He was laid in state at the funeral home of Komp Timah Kav 17, Fatmawati Cilandak, Jakarta. Furthermore, in the afternoon of the same day, he was buried at the Jeruk Purut Cemetery, South Jakarta.
The deceased was born in Medan, August 23, 1958. He graduated from ITB Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program in 1982, then continued his master's study in transportation planning and modeling at the University of London, England, in 1986, and earned his Ph.D. majoring in transportation planning and modeling from the University of London in 1988.
ITB leaders expressed their deep condolences and prayed to Allah to forgive, bless, and keep him safe and strengthen the families so they could sincerely accept the death.
Throughout his lifetime, Prof. Ofyar received many awards, including the best presenter from the Indonesian Road Development Association (HPJI) in 2010, HPJI Gold Medal Award in 2007, Yokohama Prize for best paper at the 5th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) Yokohama in 1989, and Henry Spurrier Award from the Chartered Institute of Transport (CIT) London in 1988.
He was also awarded the Reuben Smeed Prize for the best paper at the 20th Annual Conference of the Universities Transport Studies Group (UTSG) London in 1988, Department of Public Works Award, and the best graduate (cumlaude) in the Postgraduate Diploma in Highway Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1984.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)