ITB among the Best 200 Universities in Asia Pacific
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) are among the best 200 universities in Asia Pacific according to a release issued by Times Higher Education in 2019. In Indonesia, ITB sits as the second best.
For the achievement, Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi expressed his sincere gratitude and thanks for many supports ITB has received especially to the government through Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) for the many supports, including in funding and policy, all of which leads to world class university.
“Secondly, we want to express our thanks to colleagues in ITB who have worked hard to achieve this,” said the Rector on Friday (22/2/2019).
According to the Rector, advancement of a higher education is seen from not only the ranking, but also the continuous improvement it has done. “And hopefully all universities in Indonesia will move forward together under the spirit of world class university and continuous improvement.” said the Rector.
Besides sitting on the best 200 universities in Asia Pacific, ITB also sits as the 164th best university in emerging economic countries. In determining its results, THE uses several indicators, such as citations (30%), industry income (2.5%), international outlook (7.5%), research (30%), and teaching (30%).
In different rankings done by QS University Ranking in 2019, ITB sits on the 359th best in the world, the 73rd best in Asia, and the 2nd best in Indonesia. ITB also sits on 51st-100th best for ranking by subject in Art and Design as well as on 301st-500th for Graduate Employability.
Regarding the rankings, Vice Rector of Research, Innovation, and Partnership of ITB, Prof. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono said that it will be a challenge for further improvement in both Asia and the world.
According to Prof. Bambang, THE and QS World Ranking have both differences and similarities in their methodology to determining the ranking. For example, they have similarity in using indicators of productivity and quality of researches and publications, citations, international students, and international lecturers. ITB studies those criteria or methodology to make initiative and execute programs that assist in the achievement of the ranking.
“For example, we conduct a program that invites international students to stay in ITB for 2-3 weeks with instructors coming from ITB and abroad. We also invite international scientists to stay in ITB and conduct joint research with ITB lecturers,” he said.
He added that ITB currently conducts collaborative research grant with three other universities, IPB, UGM, and Unair. This collaborative research is expected to increase ITB’s Q1 journals and citations. “We have several programs to improve our ranking. But, more fundamental than improvement of our ranking is the improvement of the quality of the university. So, it is to improve not only the ranking but also the quality,” he said.
Nevertheless, Prof. Bambang said that ranking is viewed as the reputation of a university in the world. It gives information to prospective students from home and abroad about the university.
“Usually, good ranking will ease our way to collaborate internationally. For example, it will ease collaboration with universities in research, education, and innovation,” he said.
University ranking will encourage continuous improvement within ITB by looking at the weak points and work to strengthen it. “That weak points should be strengthened and improved,” he said.