ITB Students Championed National Business Case Competition
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

*Photo by Aladdin Team
BANDUNG, – Three students of Institut Teknologi Bandung championed the National Management Competition in Tourism organized by Universitas Mercubuana on Thursday (4/7/2019). The team, named ‘Aladdin’, consist of Jonathan Maximilian Surya A. (Chemical Engineering 2018), Kelvin Narada G. (Urban and Regional Planning 2018), and Desylionie Onggani W. (Chemical Engineering 2018).
In this phase, Aladdin proposed a concept of an application of scan-able barcode containing tourism information. For this app, several barcodes will be attached on several spots such as in TMII. The application will scan the barcode on smartphone and tourism information will appear. The application is also equipped with AR like the one in Pokemon Go, hence making the application more challenging.
“So in every ride there will be one ‘egg’, users who collect the most will receive prizes. As for the name of the application, we haven’t decided the name yet,” said Jonathan.
They proposed this idea when selected as the ten best and got invited to Jakarta. After presentation, four teams competed on debating session of a motion “Is it necessary to limit the number of tourist visit to Bali considering the fading of Balinese culture and various waste problems.”
The debate session was the last phase of the competition where Aladdin team of ITB named as the champion. They competed with teams from UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Universitas Tarumanegara, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), and Universitas Lampung.
“We are so happy because this is the first competition we participated in and successfully win, and I can find my passion in presentation,” Jonathan said.
Jonathan also gave a message to ITB students to go out of comfort zone, try new things and find passion. “We have no member who has basic in business. We really have to go out of our comfort zone; we also asked and learned from our seniors who participated in this business case competition previously.”
Reporter: Deo Fernando (Entrepreneurship 2018)