Guest Lecture : Governance of the Jakarta International Stadium Project

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) is a provincial government-assigned project of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The main objective of the stadium’s construction is to provide a comprehensive sports area and replace the Lebak Bulus Stadium, which has transitioned from its initial function.

The JIS construction project has started since 2018, with an estimated finish in March 2022. Numerous tools to supervise and monitor its progress, such as the JIS Project Dashboard and the Building Information Modelling, have supported its development.

JIS Project Manager Arry Wibowo stated, “JIS possessed various exceptional features. It will have retractable roof, multifunctional stadium for a wide range of sports and events, greenship platinum certification, sky viewing and sky catwalk facilities, even integrated modes of public transportation such as KRL, LRT, BRT, and MRT.” In addition, he claims that JIS will be disabled-friendly infrastructure.

Wibowo explained further that the scope management for this project entails a capacity of 80 thousand spectators, integration of various public transportation, two sets of training fields, and other interior facilities. The total funding required for the construction reached Rp4.5 trillion.

Wibowo revealed the JIS project development in the guest lecture of the Architecture Study Program in the School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development of ITB (SAPPD ITB) for the course AR3222-Project Management and AR6223-Project Development Economics.

The guest lecture on Thursday (17/3/2022) invited three speakers: JIS Project Manager Arry Wibowo, Assistant Professor at SBM ITB, Dr. Raden Aswin Rahadi, and Managing Director of PDW Architect, Prasetyo Adi. The points Wibowo expressed relate to the event’s theme, “Governance and Development of Construction Project: A Case Study of Jakarta International Stadium.”

On the other hand, Adi explains the architectural concept of JIS captures the theme of Indonesian culture, mainly of Jakarta or Betawi. Not merely extravagant, JIS also includes public space and retail stores. “Of course, the presence of retail and public spaces in JIS will enlighten the atmosphere, festivity, and the economy of Jakarta International Stadium,” expressed Adi.

Moreover, an assortment of parks: waterpark, education and recreation park, tropical park, and sporting park are built within the perimeter of JIS. “The soccer field is also oriented precisely north-south. Thus, players from each team will not be blinded by the sunlight in-game. In addition, the VVIP and VIP spectator seats are located in the western area to avoid direct sun exposure,” he detailed. The JIS stadium also employs hybrid technology, combining natural grass with synthesized ones.

To close, Dr. Aswin describes, “In general, property development is a process which comprises various production factors, such as land, workers, financiers, and enterprises. All of the above integrates as a single concept, realizing a good development cycle.” Real estate business development can be categorized into location, market research, and feasibility study.

Previously, location was always the main priority for property development. In the present, while the location is still a crucial aspect to consider, other emerging factors must also be held under scrutiny before the property development project. Market research is also a vital part of the evaluation, mainly concerning the financial aspect and the market price, as it will influence the project from the construction stage to the marketing stage.

According to Dr. Aswin, the feasibility study is also critical for property development. The result and quality of the developed property are dependent on its feasibility, from the project planning process to its risk management. Risk factors are very complex, as they relate to various aspects such as management, production, liquidity, and even inflation. Feasibility assessment must examine many conditions such as physical state, regulations, politics, and infrastructure.

Reporter: Yoel Enrico Meiliano (Food Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Firzana Aisya (School of Life Sciences and Technology, 2021)

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