CIBE ITB Expected to be the Center for Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Ridwan Djamaluddin, the Deputy for Infrastructure Coordination of Ministry of Maritime Affairs who represented Coordinating Maritime Minister Luhut Pandjaitan, delivered a keynote speech in the launching of Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment on Tuesday (17/9/2019) at CIBE-ITB Building, Bandung. Ridwan delivered a topic on development of infrastructure in Indonesia.
He explained that infrastructure and human resources is the main points that President Joko Widodo includes in his vision. However, in its development, distribution of infrastructure remains in deficit. The total of investment placed to infrastructure is about Rp 4,150 trillion rupiahs, but the government is only able to cover 30%-40% of the investment. Therefore, supports from private partners are one of the moves to make, Ridwan said.
According to him, development of infrastructures is one of the important moves carried in Indonesia to reduce logistic cost. One of efforts done by the government to reduce national logistic cost is the integration of harbors, sails, and industry. The sea highway and several constructions of harbor in Indonesia can reduce logistic cost and support distribution of industry and luxurious goods all over Indonesia.
However, Ridwan said that economic and infrastructure growth is not equally developed all over Indonesia and remains Java-centric. Obstacles such as lack of human resources outside Java is one of the factors that contributes to the Java-centric development of infrastructure and economy. Therefore, the government now run an equal development program by building infrastructures outside Java.
Besides infrastructures and human resources, development of technology is also important to support economic development in Indonesia. Electric car is Indonesia’s next focus in development of technology. “Therefore, in order to enhance development of technology in Indonesia, triple helix (government, industry, and higher education) should be strengthened so that the technology can enter the market and support the economy of Indonesia,” he said.
He thinks that Indonesia’s future challenges is to attract investors under the principles of credibility where Indonesia is very open to business and integrated with logistic chain, certainty where regulations can be predicted and allocated to all elements of society, and availability of company management under president’s policy. “This CIBE Building can support the development of researches and can support development of infrastructures and industry in Indonesia,” said Ridwan who is also an ITB alumnus.
“Engineers in Indonesia are still very few, around 3 of 1000 people. I think it is quite an effort to increase the number of engineers in Indonesia,” he added.
The event was opened by Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Prof. Ade Sjafruddin and opening remarks from chair of Center for Infrastructure and Building Environmental, Prof. Reini Djuhraeni and Vice Rector of General Administration, Alumni, and Communication, Miming Miharja.
On the same occasion, ITB signed an MoU on education with eight companies in Indonesia, namely PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesia, PT. Glodon Technical Indonesia, PT. Gunung Baja Konstruksi, PT. Hutama Karya Infrasturktur, PT. Wijaya Karya Beton, Tbk., PT.Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk, Trimble Solutions (SEA) Pte. Ltd., and PT. Cigading Habeam Centre.
It is stated by Dean of FTSL, Prof. Ade Sjafruddin that the second launching of CIBE was carried out with the aim to make CIBE as the partner center of industry that strengthen research and education and contribution to the society. The eight companies that signed MoU in the event are companies which both have conducted cooperation and will do cooperation with CIBE Building. The cooperation is expected to support development of education and research in ITB especially in FTSL.
Reporter: Zalza Puspita Arum (Ocean Engineering 2016)