ITB Discuss Achievement of Indonesia-Korea Cooperation in Cyber Security
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

The grant project is The Enhancement of Cyber Security Capability of Indonesia. This project is one of the bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea. The cooperation established by the Directorate of Higher Education and the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) with the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) are collaborating in the development of ICT strategies in the form of construction being Cyber Security (Cyber Security Center) as well as other support programs.
The event which took place at ITB-KOREA Cyber Security R&D Center (CSC) was opened by the Director General of Higher Education, Prof. Djoko Santoso. The event was also attended by Ir. Bambang Heru Tjahyono, M.Sc (Director General for Informatics Applications KOMINFO), Prof. Akhmaloka, Ph.D (ITB Rector), MR Kim Byung Gwan (Indonesian KOICA Resident Representative Office), Dr. John Choi (CEO of MarkAny Inc.), Prof. Dr. Suwarno (Dean STEI-ITB), and other agencies such as the representation of the Korean Embassy, Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of the Ministry of Defense, National Development Planning Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Police.
On this occasion, Dr. John Choi as PMC describes a variety of programs and activities that have been carried out for 2 years. Start of construction of ITB-KOREA Cyber Security R & D Center, initiation master program in the field of Information Security, Manager & IT Administrator Training, to the International Cyber Security Seminar (CYSE), 2013 and 2014, KOICA, ITB, and MarkAny together have made a leap in preparing major challenges faced by Indonesia related to cyber security in the future.
Ir. Bambang Heru Tjahyono, MSc explained the importance of the collaboration of the various elements of good educational institutions, government, and industrial sectors Indonesia to continue to improve in terms of cyber security. According to him, the information security awareness should start from small things so then the business will increase more easily achieved. In addition, Director of Bilateral Foreign Funding National Development Planning Agency,Simanjuntak Kennedy Ph.D, was adding that the functionality and sustainability, both for infrastructure and programs that have been created,is a very high priority concern.
Dean of the School of Informatics and Electrical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Suwarno also explained that the result of the excellent cooperation will continue to be maintained through programs of education, development, and research involving various institutions. So far, through ITB-KOREA CSC, STEI-ITB has assisted a wide range of cooperation with foreign universities, NGOs and local municipalities. In the future, building ITB-KOREA CSC, which is one of the results of this cooperation is expected to be the best cyber security center in Indonesia, even in Asia.
The event which took place at ITB-KOREA Cyber Security R&D Center (CSC) was opened by the Director General of Higher Education, Prof. Djoko Santoso. The event was also attended by Ir. Bambang Heru Tjahyono, M.Sc (Director General for Informatics Applications KOMINFO), Prof. Akhmaloka, Ph.D (ITB Rector), MR Kim Byung Gwan (Indonesian KOICA Resident Representative Office), Dr. John Choi (CEO of MarkAny Inc.), Prof. Dr. Suwarno (Dean STEI-ITB), and other agencies such as the representation of the Korean Embassy, Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of the Ministry of Defense, National Development Planning Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Police.
On this occasion, Dr. John Choi as PMC describes a variety of programs and activities that have been carried out for 2 years. Start of construction of ITB-KOREA Cyber Security R & D Center, initiation master program in the field of Information Security, Manager & IT Administrator Training, to the International Cyber Security Seminar (CYSE), 2013 and 2014, KOICA, ITB, and MarkAny together have made a leap in preparing major challenges faced by Indonesia related to cyber security in the future.
Ir. Bambang Heru Tjahyono, MSc explained the importance of the collaboration of the various elements of good educational institutions, government, and industrial sectors Indonesia to continue to improve in terms of cyber security. According to him, the information security awareness should start from small things so then the business will increase more easily achieved. In addition, Director of Bilateral Foreign Funding National Development Planning Agency,Simanjuntak Kennedy Ph.D, was adding that the functionality and sustainability, both for infrastructure and programs that have been created,is a very high priority concern.
Dean of the School of Informatics and Electrical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Suwarno also explained that the result of the excellent cooperation will continue to be maintained through programs of education, development, and research involving various institutions. So far, through ITB-KOREA CSC, STEI-ITB has assisted a wide range of cooperation with foreign universities, NGOs and local municipalities. In the future, building ITB-KOREA CSC, which is one of the results of this cooperation is expected to be the best cyber security center in Indonesia, even in Asia.