OGG FITB 2024: Raising Awareness on the Importance of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Through Competition

Oleh Maharani Rachmawati Purnomo -

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The First Year Students of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) ITB organized the 2024 Geoscience and Geography Olympiad (OGG). This 14th OGG event carried the theme “Ark Climatova: Projecting Future Climate Through Earth’s Past and Present” and aimed to provide a knowledge platform for the nation's youth about climate change from the past to the present.

This event serves as an exploration space for high school students and university students interested in the field of earth sciences.

This national-scale activity was attended by 1,400 participants from Sumatra, Java, to Sulawesi. It has been ongoing from April 3, 2024, until its closing on June 22, 2024. Various pre-event activities included a science project, an English speech contest, a photo contest, and a poster contest for high school students. Meanwhile, university students participated in an essay writing competition.

Additionally, OGG Talks 1.0, a talk show featuring various Geoscience and Geography Olympiad champions, was held on Sunday (05/19/2024) to inspire the participants.

The organizing committee also invited climate experts from ITB, BRIN, and the Climate Policy Initiative Indonesia for a webinar discussing various global initiatives to address the climate emergency. This activity took place on Sunday (06/09/2024). The final pre-event was the OGG Class, a mentoring session by alumni of the National and International Geography and Geoscience Olympiads, held on Saturday (06/15/2024).

“The main OGG event started on Wednesday (06/19/2024) and was officially opened by Prof. Dr. Irwan Meilano, S.T., M.Sc., Dean of FEST. Activities included the opening ceremony, Geography Olympiad, Geoscience Olympiad, FEST Tour in each FEST department building, OGG Talks 2.0 with student representatives from each FEST department, a workshop for mentors, an exhibition of finalist science project works, OGG Explore to Ir. H. Djuanda Grand Forest Park, and concluded with the awarding night and closing ceremony,” explained Remier Akbar Fauzan (FEST, 2023).

The Chief Organizer, Fayza Ananda Syahda Damanik (FEST, 2023), hopes that OGG can continue to develop and progress. “We aim for OGG to be nationally accredited and validated soon. We hope this competition can reach the quality and system of top national Olympiads in Indonesia, such as the National Science Olympiad (OSN),” concluded Fayza during an interview with ITB Public Relations reporter.

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