Satoe Indonesia Regeneration Challenge, an Effort to Serve the Nation
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Dozens of students of School of Business and Management of Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM-ITB) participated in a community service activity called Satoe Indonesia Regeneration Challenge (SIRC) 2018. The program was implemented in Cikawari Village, Bandung Regency, on 13-14 October 2018.
Satoe Indonesia is an intra-organization in SBM-ITB that engages in community service. The activity involves SBM freshmen as participants while sophomores and seniors as the committee. “This activity aims to recruit new members of Satoe Indonesia,” said Rafly Hanggara as the chief executive of the activity.
Activities related to social community were also conducted by all participants of SIRC 2018. On the first day, participants visited Cikawari State Elementary School to make an Inspiration Class. They taught English and the importance of having dreams to the elementary students.
According to a teacher in the aforementioned school, it is not uncommon for kids graduating from elementary school to continue their life directly to marriage. This concerns Satoe Indonesia who thus gives motivation to the students of the elementary school so that they will take higher education.
Various interactions were done by the students, from singing, role playing, quizzes, and storytelling. In order to raise their confidence, the students were also told to review the learning material in front of class.
After teaching, all participants conducted social mapping in several hamlets in Cikawari Village. They divided into 7 small groups spread on to several spots. Analysis, interview, and observation to the community were conducted on four aspects, Health, economy and occupation, information and technology, and education. Various information about Cikawari Village are gathered after 90 minutes observation. The social mapping will decide the activities to do for a year ahead.
Some participants also found rather serious issues in the village, from the lack of medical personnel, difficult access to information and phone signal, unequal education, and child marriage culture.
On each night, each group explained about their findings. On the morning, the activity began with the announcement of best group and the award for each group for their effort in participating SIRC.
With this activity, students are expected to implement the third point of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, the community service point. Moreover, this is also a real form of student’s contribution to equal education in Indonesia.
Reporter: Moch. Akbar Selamat