Indonesia’s Megathrust Risk and Preparedness: ITB Civil Engineering Podcast Episode 5
By Rayhan Adri Fulvian - Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika, 2021
Editor M. Naufal Hafizh, S.S.

BANDUNG, - Indonesia is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, where multiple tectonic plates converge, which makes the area highly vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis. One type of earthquake that is of major concern is the megathrust earthquake, which has the potential to trigger large-scale disasters.
In this latest episode of “What Do Civil Engineers Say?” Prof. Ir. Iswandi Imran, M.A.Sc., Ph.D., an expert in retrofit, external strengthening, and structural modeling, delves into the potential of megathrust earthquakes and the nation's preparedness to face them.
Megathrust earthquakes occur in subduction zones, where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. This process can release a massive amount of energy, which can potentially trigger tsunamis. While megathrust quakes are not new, the existence of seismic gaps (areas that have long been seismically inactive) has raised concerns due to their potential to generate large earthquakes in the future.
The Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has issued warnings about the possibility of megathrust earthquakes in several regions in Indonesia. The warnings were not intended to cause panic, but to increase public preparedness for disasters. Beyond early warnings, Indonesia is also taking structural measures to mitigate risks.
In the field of civil engineering, Indonesia has done various mitigation efforts, including building codes that account for seismic risks. These standards are continuously updated based on the latest research, ensuring that infrastructures built can withstand earthquakes. Moreover, several public buildings, such as hospitals and schools, are being assessed and reinforced for greater earthquake resilience.
In addition to technical preparedness, public awareness and education on earthquake disasters are also very important. Prof. Iswandi Imran emphasized that disaster mitigation does not just rely on the government and experts, but also on active community participation. Education programs on proper evacuation procedures and emergency response need to be improved, so that people can become more prepared for worst-case scenarios.
The podcast stresses that while megathrust quakes are inevitable, preparedness and awareness can and must be improved. With the right combination of policies, enhanced civil engineering standards, as well as better disaster education, Indonesia can be more resilient in facing future earthquake threats.
This episode, “Megathrust: Indonesia di Bawah Bayang-Bayang Bencana” or “Megathrust: Indonesia in the Shadow of Disaster” from the “What do Civil Engineers Say” podcast is available on the YouTube Teknik Sipil ITB YouTube channel.
Reporter: Rayhan Adri Fulvian (Geophysical Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Senandung Shauma Bidadari (Management, 2026)