(RE)CITATION: Expression of Art as a Real Mirror

Oleh Mandeep Kaur Gill

Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – (RE)CITATION, an exhibition that reminds us of the expression of art as a true reflection, quoting curator Rizki A. Zaeleni who is now on of the art lecturers in FSRD ITB. In (RE)CITATION, 21 art pieces of Agung Fitriana, Kiki Rizki Rahadivan, Kiki Rizky Soetisna, and Tomy Makchel Tory at Soemardja Gallery, from the 15th to 26th July. Kiki Rizky Soetisna (Kimung) presented pictures of objects that resemble electrical poles and cables. Kimung’s art subject matter is the results of enlargement of cable and electric poles’ shapes with different colors. Kiki Rizki Rahadiyan (Kibas) displayed more realistic objects such as noodles, tomato, and bread and so on. Shapes and colors of realistic objects on Kibas’s work were gathered to portray the object on canvas. Tomy Mackhel (Tomy) who is now a student at FSRD ITB did not use photos on his art. He copied object as subject matter directly. Agung Fitriana (Agung) performed realistic but radical copying, enlarging the objects drawn and making it the subject matter. For Rizki Zaeleni, the work in the exhibition presented an interesting set of problems, especially in relationship between portrayal and realism on the art as well as the illusion of the meaning of reality itself.

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