Punten Tamansari: Prepare for Meeting the Challenges of Global Community through Collaboration

Oleh Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti


BANDUNG , itb.ac.id - As the time goes by, there is no doubt that globalization increasingly influenced the life of the world community. The rapid flow of information and technological development boom will inevitably force people to race with the development of the world in order to not be left behind. In this era, the winners are those who are able to develop themselves so that they can excel in a variety of sectors. Meanwhile, the rest are simply silent as the audience will be left further and further and become the market for those who master the technology.

Based on this, ITB students notice the need for an action to build public awareness, especially in Bandung, in the face of global challenges. Through the action titled 'Punten Tamansari', the students and the Tamansari residents work together to prepare for the challenge. "The problem in facing global challenges lies in each individual. Therefore, awareness of each person to understand their role in the face of globalization is required," said Setyaki Sholata Sya (Electrical Engineering 2010 ) as the Chairman of the committee. According to its title, the chosen venue for the activities is in the Tamansari, ranging from Bandung Islamic University (UNISBA) to the Zoo. Tamansari is chosen because that location has a lot of potential, close to the ITB, and as well as having local values. "Tamansari has a variety of potential that can be developed," said Setyaki. "Every venue has a different potential. For example, RT 08 has great potential in the field of 'kesundaan' (the local tradition), RW 13 is famous for its water wealth, and RW 14 is already advanced in the field of waste management and handicrafts," he added. Through this action, Tamansari will turn into a Creative Village so that the aspect of community life, including the economy, can be improved. The action which has been taking place in February and March 2014 is filled with a series of exciting activities. The first activity is Trash Cikapundung Travel; a Cikapundung river's tour by making garbage as the main object while developing all its potential. There is also a floating amphitheater, a floating stage that follows the flow of the river as the resident's performance placed. Settlements in the Tamansari would be enhanced by the establishment of 'Gang Kreatif' and 'Mural Tamansari'. In the economic sector, business activities that exist in Tamansari will be mapped in the Geoportal info graphics. The businesses in Tamansari will be met with prospective investors and visitors through the Digital Market Tamansari. While in the cultural sector, potential, history, and local culture that possessed Tamansari will be published to the public via QR Code technology and the internet network. Tamansari will be introduced to the public through 'Branding Tamansari', where the area is delegated as a tourist village complete with logo and mascot. All these activities are carried out jointly by the public and students. Globalization and Dehumanization Well, how does Punten Tamansari prepare people to be able to face the global challenges? Andy Lord (Fine Arts 2010) as Chairman of the event has a myriad of concepts and philosophies about it. According to him, globalization has led to dehumanization, in which people cannot feel their potential and their real function as human. "Patterns of community life are now very practical. Development of technology has made their life easier. However, it can cause them to not want to develop ideas and thoughts because of all the technology already available, has been living life," said Andi. Therefore, according to Andi, the community should be included as a subject in the face of globalization. Getting the community as a subject is to involve the community in carrying out development. Hopefully in that way, people do not only obtain a final result, but also involved in the process. This concept is applied to the action of Punten Tamansari. This action has been inviting the community to share in the process through a series of activities done together. "Thus, it will form a new lifestyle and a better thought arose, also the passion to create something new," said Andi . "In addition, through this activity, it is expected that all the elements can be awakened individually and continuously work together to help others," he added.

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