Rector Invited the Academic Community to Support A Superior Scientific Culture at ITB
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - The Rector of ITB Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., conveyed ITB's dream in the medium term to support a superior scientific culture by increasing resource development in various aspects. The direction of its development is the realization of ITB as a Globally Respected and Locally Relevant university.
The Rector conveyed this in the 6th ITB Talks event last Thursday (6/6/2021) at Sabuga ITB. "The term Globally Respected means that ITB must be able to play a proactive role in establishing international cooperation and contributing to responding to issues that occur in the international community. Then the term Locally Relevant refers to Tri Dharma activities that are increasingly responsive to the dynamics of problems that occur in the local or national community," she said.
Prof. Reini explained that these goals could be realized by developing two crucial topics: an excellent academic atmosphere and the quality of existing resources. To achieve a conducive academic atmosphere, ITB frequently invited experts from different backgrounds, both domestic and foreign, to support this superior scientific culture as a prerequisite for ITB's contribution.
On the other hand, improving ITB's role and contribution also needed to be supported by increasing organizational capacity. This organizational arrangement was required to manage all ITB human potentials to encourage better Tri Dharma performance. "Thus, increasing organizational capacity and strengthening the academic atmosphere are important factors to support the innovation ecosystem at ITB so that it is ready to respond to dynamic problems," she explained.
Indeed, realizing those steps needed the participation of all elements of the academic community. We also should not forget ITB's vision and mission as the guidance. In addition, the monitoring-evaluation system needed to be intensified to get lessons and improvements from the previous performance.
"I invite all fellow lecturers, education staff, and students to jointly welcome the recovery of the national economy with health protocols by increasing optimism, creativity, and productivity, and maintaining solidarity for the advancement of ITB and Indonesia," she said.
Reporter: Lukman Ali (TPB / FTMD, 2020)
Translator: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)