RITech Expo: Innovation Exhibition for Nation Independence
By Christanto
Editor Christanto

In his speech, the Minister of Research and Technology, Gusti Muhammad Hatta said that RITech Expo is a good moment to increase the contribution of science and technology for the welfare of the people. The theme of "Innovation for Nation Independence" was promoted as the major theme this year. He hopes the research and science development can be more reliant on the real needs of the people, so that a solution can be sought to improve the welfare of the people and increase the applied research needs.
There were about 150 booths there, consist of 103 indoor booth and 47 outdoor booth. At the booth, the best product of each economic corridor Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI) was displayed.
There were also 17 carnival rides at this expo. Various of carnical rides were displayed, such as ITB single platform electric cars, biofertilizer, and other carnival rides. One of the most popular carnival rides was the Jabiru J-430 aircraft, the result from SMKN 12 Bandung. It is a sport-type aircraft with the maximum capacity of 4 people.
"There are so many interesting things in this exhibition, such as sporty aircraft and electric race cars. Saw these innovative works makes us inspired to contribute ideas and make other works in the future," said Rani Widiyansyah, one of the student of SMKN 6 Bandung.