SBM Community Service
By kristiono
Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, – School of Business and Management ITB through short semester education program of 2007/2008 run an agenda called “Community Service SBM”. The agenda is part of compulsory subject for second year students. The subjects with two credit weight are directing students to actively participate in community service activity.
The activity has now centered in Cisondari Village, Bandung Regency. “Cisondari Village is urban peripheral area, none rural not yet an urban”, Bambang Rudito, PhD, one SBM lectures said. Bambang describe the peripheral are considering as critical area so that an aware observation is always necessary. “Look the people, as rural citizen they still running small plantation and cultivate rice field. However, they also manage micro service activity which often easily found in city” he said.
This fact could sometime bring clash among residents. Clean water supply to mention, especially during dried season, often come up with quarrel between resident who need watershed to irrigate their rice field with their counterpart who need clean water for daily life activity. At this point, students need to intensely involve while search for solution.
“Rather got busy into never ending demonstration, this activity afford a concrete step solving problem face by our people”, Bambang insisted.
SBM Community Service has three different levels which are society research, basic need, and business need. During previous year, SBM student was succeeds delivering basic need level. They have had build several vital infrastructure such as water pipe sanitation, religious building, and road infrastructure.
Secondary Need
This year, SBM students is put their concern on continuing business activity at secondary level. On their blue print strategy they have managed to create some value innovation such goat milk production, organic fertilizer, and yogurt. Beside intense guidance from four mentor, the activity also directly monitored by Lembaga Satoe Indonesia (LSI) which is now has succeed delivering 3 unit of “rumah pintar” which aimed to teach native children.
This is to show students with real corporate social responsibility application. Furthermore it is in line with SBM way to produce competent leader. Student need to understand people condition. Somewhat reason they are obligated to live in with villager.