Seventh International Conference, Quality and Qualification of English Teachers in Indonesia
By Mandeep Kaur Gill
Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG - Situated at East Auditorium, ITB’s Language Center cooperated with British Council Indonesia and University of Leeds is having the seventh international conference themed “Competency and Qualification of Educating Workforce the English Teaching Context in Indonesia”. The three day seminar since Tuesday (15/4) was attended by local and international speakers.
One of the syllabus makers, a Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia lecturer, Bachrudin Musthafa, PhD presented a paper titled “Competent Teachers: What They Look Like and What They Need To Do To Further Develop Professionally”. According to Bachrudin, there are three fundamental competences required by the educating workforce in Indonesia which are academic qualifications, teaching certificates and functional competency which include pedagogy competency, interpersonal competency and professional competency.
Bachrudin noted that a competent English teacher would understand and is able to use English effectively to communicate, understand the needs of students, knows how to design teaching assignments and can support the students’ studying process, and knows how to motivate and support students to develop their interest. To increase their competence, teachers, through three sources read publications in English, reflect their teaching experience experimental and share their knowledge with other people.
The International Conference is the result of the cooperation of ITB Language Center with British Council was meant to increase teachers’ and educator workforce competence suitable with regulation law No.14 year 2005 regarding teachers and lecturers. The International Conference is a routine event held every two years since 1995. The seventh conference touched on three main speeches covering English teachers’ competency, training of teachers and increasing the competency of English educators.