Sharing Stories of Success with Dr. HC Hatta Rajasa at “Saturday Lesson ITB” Webinar
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Success can happen anywhere if people are willing to achieve it. To inspire students to stay determined and carve their paths to success, ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) held the "Saturday Lesson" webinar on Sunday (24/10/2021).
This webinar invited Dr. (HC) Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa as the speaker and began with a welcoming speech by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M. Eng. Moreover, the event was moderated by Dr. Yuni Ros Bangun MBA, a lecturer from SBM (School of Business and Management) ITB.
As an ITB alumnus, Dr. Hatta was elated for the graduates who completed their studies. He hoped for their success in society and looked forward to their contribution to the country. He believed that the new ITB students who successfully passed its strict selection can be successful as well in the future.
Currently, the state of the world is directionless and unpredictable. Rapid shifts accompanied by uncertainty cause people to have second thoughts about their future, especially ITB alumni who have just graduated.
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 that pushes disruptive technologies into the limelight needs to be reconsidered. The older technologies that were once considered absolute were proven unable to adapt to the ongoing development. Examples include Nokia products, Kodak, etc. Presently, there are many startups established by aspiring entrepreneurs; hence, Dr. Hatta advised interested students to understand the current market and its progress.
The world of business and entrepreneurship will always require us to think critically and innovatively. In addition, we need to be able to develop a good working ecosystem. Therefore, we must start practicing these skills to face the uncertainty of the world today.
Dr. Hatta, who held the Honorary Doctorate (Dr. HC) degree, mentioned ITB's role as the center of academic excellence, emphasizing that receiving academic degrees and graduating from prestigious universities are no longer a guarantee to survive nowadays. This is evident from the qualifications of multinational companies that do not demand an academic degree during recruitment. Students should not only excel academically but also hone their non-academic skills. "The stigma concerning ITB students solely prioritizing academics is outdated," he stated.
“Everything we do right now will determine our future. Whatever your decision is- to be a professional office worker or an entrepreneur- both are good choices. However, it is important for you to be able to achieve them," he remarked.
Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatiksa, 2020)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Teknik Lingkungan, 2019)