Sharpening Competencies through Graduate Student Leadership and Entrepreneurship Training
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Dr Henry Pangemanan, S.H., M.M. as the General Manager of Domestic Programs and Alumni Relations of Bakrie Center Foundation explained that the training was a follow-up to continue to develop the competence of graduate students especially who received scholarships from BCF. After undergoing this training, it is expected that the grantee can formulate what capital they have and will have to serve the community.
"This program is for the long term. We did not want to just give them a scholarship and took off just like that. We want to continue to develop their capacity so that they can have the competence leader for junior fashion into the region," he said.
This training is the fourth time held by the BCF. The training lasted for two days, speakers from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and Inspira. There are two key points made, namely the self-motivation and entrepreneurship. Since now, the graduate student should already know their position now and in the future have the motivation to be a leader. Leadership was started for you, such as discipline and objective, and then continued to empower knowledge to others. Competence is not less important is entrepreneurship, the ability to develop a useful product and can create jobs.
According to data obtained by the BCF, there are only less than 5% of the Indonesian populations that can take graduate courses. Therefore, the moral responsibility of the graduate student was actually great in applying knowledge and competencies they already have. In accordance with the Tri Dharma University is one such community service, expected to graduate students able to contribute to building a more civil of Indonesia. One program that is being designed as BCF alumni activities are activities that sharing the Indonesian children about science and professionalism field undertaken by alumni. The aim is to broaden the children early on about the various fields that they can grow up to be fully present a more prosperous Indonesia.
"We hope that in the future more students can participate in this training. Hope can be synergized with other corporation institutions because this is one way to find people that can be accessed talented agencies to meet the needs of human resources," J. Balance Mangkuto said, CEO of Bakrie Center Foundation.