Strategy to Achieve ‘ITB 2025’ from Rector Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Prof. Reini Wirahadikusuma, Ph.D., was officially inaugurated as Rector of ITB for the period of 2020-2025 by the Board of Trustees in an open session held on Monday (1/20/2020) at Aula Barat of ITB, Jalan Ganesa No. 10, Bandung.

After the inauguration, Prof. Reini delivered her first rector speech concerning ITB in the next five years. She explained about the strategy which she will bring to achieve ITB’s “In Harmonia Progressio” for National Dignity and World Reputation.

Prof. Reini said, after 100 years of outstanding contribution, this time shall be the point when ITB rebuilds strength in order to respond to challenges of changes, and arrange transformation strategy for the next 100 years. Transformation steps that will be taken will direct towards ‘ITB 2025’ marked by the following characteristics:
1. Three Pillars of Higher Education which facilitate all components of academic society to give their best performances
2. Institution that have national reputation, provide solutions to national problems, and maintain and enhance the dignity of the nation
3. Institution that have respected and equal academic reputation among international partners
4. ITB graduates who have internationally recognized quality, are nationalistic and devoted to Republic of Indonesia, have roles on various working levels, have initiative and innovative attitude, pioneering, collaborative, and have integrity
5. Continuity of leadership regeneration in ITB which is always able to transform

Strategy for ‘ITB 2025’

She said the principle strategy to achieve ITB 2025 are encompassed in five steps. First, Management of organizational structure that support agile, adaptive, and efficient movements. Second, increase of income through creative and innovative ways, with emphasize on activities which are relevant to implementation of the transformation.

Third, adopting the education 4.0. “The essence here is about connectivity in education, expanding the education experience to be borderless and strengthening the students in critical thinking, complexity/non-linear thinking, inter-disciplinary thinking, independent learning, and collective learning,” She said.

Fourth, strengthening the system or ecosystem for innovation in ITB with excellent scientific culture foundation. Regarding this point, the formulation of excellent research agenda needs to be sharpened with cross or trans-discipline approaches for better response to national interest and dynamic global sciences. “The keywords here are expansion of academic freedom to achieve high added-values,” she said.

Fifth, management of changes. Regarding this, participation of all elements in ITB is substantial for the transformation of ITB. Enthusiasm and commitment are essential. In addition, vision, goals, and targets of transformation should be shared together with all lecturers and staffs. “In this matter, communication needs to be continually demonstrated, developed, and expanded,” she said.

This professor in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of ITB continued that in order to give its best contribution, ITB is in crucial need for strategic partnerships with central and regional governments, industry and business circles, research institutions and higher educations both home and abroad, NGO, ITB alumni, and other elements of the community.

“ITB needs to strengthen and expand partnerships both nationally and globally,” said the first female rector of ITB.

In her speech, Prof. Reini also asks for supports from central government executives, especially Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Research and Technology, as well as provincial, city, and district governments. “ITB exists for the advancement of the people and the country. ITB is ready to create synergy and collaboration in order to contribute to the success of development programs both in central or regional levels,” she said.

She also asks the support from industry and business circles, alumni, lecturers, staffs, and students for the next five years of her service as Rector of ITB for the period of 2020-2025.

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