Survey 4icu: ITB Still Being One Of The Best Universities in Indonesia

Oleh Akbar Syahid Rabbani

Editor Akbar Syahid Rabbani

BANDUNG, - Popularity Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in Indonesia and the world each year for up and down, along with the quality of the competition between universities in the world which is increasingly tight. This is evident from the latest release in the world rankings released by the rating agency 4 International College & University (4icu).
As quoted by January 2013 issue, in Jakarta on Saturday (02/02/2013), the top 100 Asia, ITB ranks 69, 16 ratings differ from the Gadjah Mada University (UGM), which is above the rank 53 and rank 16 different it is with the University of Indonesia under the ITB is at rank 85. Rating ITB this year is lower than the release in the world rankings, released in July of 2012, upon the release of the ITB is ranked 37 of top 100 universities in Asia.

Although ranking ITB Asia and internationally experienced fluctuate and are not too significant, but the ITB still continue to maintain its existence as one of the best institutes in Indonesia. This is because the ITB still get into the top 10 most popular universities in Indonesia, according to the survey 4icu institutions.

A survey made by the 4icu is based on five parameters, namely Google Pagerank, Alexa Traffic, Majestic SEO reffering Domain, Majestic SEO Citation Flow, Flow and Majestic SEO Trust that measures such as the popularity of a website based on links, traffic statistics, the number of other sites provide a link. The survey was conducted on 11,600 colleges in 200 countries, including 351 universities of which is from Indonesia.

While from 11,600 colleges located throughout the world, ITB is ranked 474 in the world, and ranks 5th in Southeast Asia. An achievement which should be improved by the Institute which was established in 1959. With the motto In Harmonia Progressio "Progress In Harmony" certainly ITB will continue to realize its vision to become a higher education excellence, dignity, independence, and is recognized worldwide as well as guide the changes that can improve the welfare of the Indonesian people and the world.

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