Systems Integration Planning in ITB Through Multicampus Perspective
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Early Semester II Meeting for the Academic Year of 2021/2022 was held on Tuesday (11/1/2022) in a hybrid manner and took upon the theme “System Integration in ITB” at West Hall ITB . This event contained explanations from the Rector, the Vice Rectors, and Institut Secretary and was attended by ITB academicians via Zoom and YouTube broadcast.
ITB Rector Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., said, as a end of year reflection, ITB has won some achievement, such as the first place in the student affairs ranking system category 2, SPADA Award 2021 as the best university in the implementation of online learning.
In the educational field, the implementation of a hybrid education system should have a better learning outcome, and not merely just moving classroom study to online study. “With the hybrid system, students have the potential to have better education,” she said.
In the research field, the Rector strives to strengthen the excellence of scientific culture. Along with that, it is expected that there will be a strengthening in the atmosphere of academic, research culture, and innovation ecosystem. Meanwhile, in the field of community service there is a huge potential for ITB to increase its role on the aspect of Locally Relevant which is focused on economic recovery. “Apart from the academic excellence, ITB is expected to expand its education service aspect with the existence of the multicampus program,” explained Rector.
The Vice Rector of Finance, Planning, and Development, Ir. Muhammad Abduh, Ph.D., explained the ITB integration system which will follow the master development plan for ITB 2020-2025.
The strategy of achieving departmental transformation includes organization restructure and infrastructure system. According to those aspects, the development that was planned will include education, research, community service, innovation, and entrepreneurship. All of those need to be supported by the planning and budgeting, procurement of goods and service, development and management of facilities and infrastructure, development and management of human resource, and financial management. “If we have an integration system on those aspects, surely we will reach a Locally Relevant and Globally Respected University,” explained Ir. Abduh.
Because ITB is a part of the government, integration with other outside parties is needed through a single entry point to reduce data input frequency and input errors. Administration process which formerly seemed to be abundant will be cut. Not limited to the data sector, financial systems will be integrated through Virtual Account Credit (VAK) and Virtual Account Debit (VAD) by utilizing Chart of Account (CoA) so that the balance activity can be evaluated at the Internal Management Report.
Moreover, data and information management, development, and documentation will be conducted to create a digitized one portal system. This was explained by the Institut Secretary, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo.
He then continued to explain about the data, information, and documentation development strategic plan for ITB 2025. The plan is consisted of five phases, the first phase (2021) is data management initiatives, the second phase (2022) is the creation of various data asset centers of excellence, the third phase (2023) is multicampus integrated information, the fourth phase (2024) is ITB data asset enterprise, and the fifth phase (2025) is globally respected and locally relevant. “Those phases have been adjusted with the ITB developmental direction 2020-2025,” told him.
The development of an integrated information system which is getting more advanced needs to be accompanied with the capability of users to use the system. The Vice Rector of Resources Dr. Ir. Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati S., M.Comm. delivered a phrase, “what most important is not the technology, but the people behind the technology”.
It is hoped that with such an integration, it can increase flexibility, process efficiency, and system visibility in ITB.
Reporter: Najma Shaviya (Postharvest Technology, 2020)