The 68th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony: Encouraging Excitement, Improving Public Welfare
By Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin
Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

BANDUNG, - Entitiling "Let's Keep Our Political Stability and Economic Growth to Improve Public Welfare", ITB held The 68th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony at Main Field of Sports Facilities Ganesha ITB on Saturday (17/08/13). This solemn ceremonial was attended by employees, lecturers, and freshmen of 2013/2014 academicals year.
This Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony was led by Bayu Miftah Amna (Power Engineering 2010), with Mahawarman Student Regiment Battalion I/ITB as the ceremony officers. The ceremony was started at 08.15 AM with a tribute to The Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka, as the builder ceremony.
The ceremony was begun by The Indonesian Flag Hoisting which was accompanied by the national anthem of Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia Raya, by ITB Student Choir and Marching Band Waditra Ganesha ITB (MBWG ITB). The ceremony then continued to the reading of the Republic of Indonesia's proclamation text, Preamble to the Constitution of 1945, and the text of Pancasila.
In this ceremony, 280 employees of ITB were awarded for their devotion to ITB as civil servants. These awards were Satyalancana Karya Satya Satya Award for civil servants who have been devoting for 10 years and awarded to 75 persons, for 20 years for 139 persons, and for 30 years for 22 persons. Moreover, 43 ITB employees were bestowed 25 Years Devotion from Bandung Institute of Technology Award. Awarded employees are mostly lecturers and administrative staff of ITB.
After the awarding of merit badges, the ceremony was continued with the singing of national songs by ITB Student Choir and MBWG ITB, "Hari Merdeka" and "Padamu Negeri". The ceremony was then continued by the prayers, lead by Director of Officialdom ITB, Suharto, S.H., which was followed by the singing of Syukur by ITB Student Choir. At the 09.30 AM, the ceremony was closed with a tribute by MBWG ITB, performing Tanah Airku, a national song composed by Ibu Soed.