Mechanical Engineering Student Association Held Blood Donation Event and Medical Check-Up to Promote Public Health

By Iko Sutrisko Prakasa Lay - Mahasiswa Matematika, 2021

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh, S.S.

The Mechanical Engineering Student Association of ITB held “Klinik Mesin” or Machine Clinic, featuring a blood donation event and medical check-up for both ITB society and the local community. (Photo: M-Care 2025 Committee)

BANDUNG,—In anticipation of ITB Mechanical Engineering Student Association (HMM ITB)’s Mechanical Festival (M-Fest) 2025, HMM ITB held a pre-event titled “Klinik Mesin”, which included a blood donation event and medical check-up for both ITB society and local community. The event was held at ITB Ganesha Campus Center for Research and Community Service building on Friday, Feb 21, 2025.

The event successfully attracted 122 donors, yielding 98 bags of blood. M-Fest 2025 Project Manager, Angger Pangestu, explained how “Klinik Mesin” has always been a part of M-Fest since its commissioning in 2011, but was halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not just a form of community service, this event is also an effort to increase positive engagement for the Association and to introduce ITB’s Mechanical Engineering program on the national scale.

“We realize that as students, we play a role in the three pillars of higher education, which includes community service. Hence M-Care was founded, with one of its events being this blood drive and medical check-up,” he explained.

M-Care Division Head, Nabilla Syifa Wardhani, explained this blood drive as a social act that can be easily attended by many people, namely students and faculty. Apart from that, the ever-increasing demand for blood highlights the significance of this event, both to patients who need blood and those willing to donate blood.

This blood drive was first initiated in 2004 by the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The positive response from both students and faculty led to the blood drive being a routine initiative, until date. This year, the blood drive is designed to reach more people, with hopes to increase health awareness and foster a positive relationship between ITB and the community, which are the main objectives of M-Care.

At the end of the event, the M-Care Committee thanked all participants for their active participation. The Committee hopes that similar events can be routinely held, keeping in mind both the high demand of blood and the high enthusiasm within ITB.

“Blood donation provides a multitude of benefits, both to those who donate and those who need blood. Hospitals always need blood supply, and every drop matters. For that reason, let us all cultivate the spirit of giving, especially in those still hesitant. Let us always remember, ‘A drop of blood, a million hopes’,” Angger stated.

Events such as M-Care prove ITB’s long-lasting commitment as an education institution, which is to lead not only in academics, but also community service, bringing significant benefit to people’s lives.

Reporter: Iko Sutrisno Prakasa Lay (Mathematics, 2021)
Translator: Nathan Aristiphano (Microbiology, 2021)

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