The First ITB Graduation Ceremony Academic Year 2018/2019
By Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT
Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Praise be unto the God Almighty who enables us to hold the First ITB Graduation Ceremony Academic Year 2018/2019.
This graduation saw the inauguration of 2,633 graduates, 35 of whom come from doctoral programs, 1,018 from master’s programs, and 1,580 from undergraduate programs.
The First Graduation Ceremony Academic Year 2018/2019 was held in three sessions. The first session was held on Friday (19/10/2018) at 08.00-11.30 for all doctoral programs and undergraduate programs in FSRD, FTMD, FTTM, FTI, SAPPK, SBM and SF.
The second session was held on Saturday, 20/10/2018 at 08.00-12.00 for undergraduate programs in FITB, FMIPA, FTSL, SITH, and STEI as well as master’s programs in FITB, FMIPA, SITH, and STEI. The third session was held on the same day at 14.00-17.00 for master’s programs in FSRD, FTMD, FTTM, FTSL, FTI, SAPPK, SBM, and SF.
Graduate with highest GPA is Willy Apriyanto from Ocean Engineering Study Program of FTSL with his 3.95 GPA. Among the graduates, 10 came from abroad. They are Win Pyae Htet from Myanmar, Bienvenu Randriantsalama and Ramandasoavina Blanchard from Madagascar, Park Myunggong and Kim Kyumin from South Korea, Roeuy Leapheng from Kamboja, Lili Dong from China, Michelle Yit and Banupriya Subramaniam from Malaysia, and Kana Yamamoto from Japan.
Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi in his remark delivered about blockchain technology, its application, and the challenge in the future. Similar to the emergence of other new technology, human resource is the most important aspect in the adoption, application, and development of blockchain.
“ITB as an education institution will create and be actively involved in an ecosystem that encourages innovation and application of blockchain by formal education activity and informal activity of campus community,” said Kadarsah.
During the ceremony, he also mentioned many achievements that the students, lecturers, and ITB as an institution have achieved in national and international levels.
From July to October 2018, 21 international and 39 national achievements were gained by students, 28 international and 43 national achievements by lecturers, and 24 student activities held abroad.
Minister Tadayuki Miyashita from the Embassy of Japan was present in the ceremony to deliver his commencement speech in front of the graduates on the second session of the graduation ceremony.
ITB will keep on presenting the best education and preparing the students in having the ability to adapt, compete, cooperate and improve continuously in the future. To create good academic condition, it needs the support of many. ITB is grateful for the support it has received to this day and expects continuous supports, including from freshly graduated alumni.