Thirft Do not Mean to Suffer

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, - For the agenda of ITB’88 alumni reunion was performing a talk show called “Public Policy in Energy and Environment Sustainability toward Conscious and Thrifty Society”, on Saturday (9/8). Presented on the sessions were Minister of Secretary of State Hatta Radjasa, UI Academia Effendi Gazali, Climatologist Armi Susandi, and Bappenas Staff Hanan Nugroho. Hatta revealed that the government of Indonesia had lay upon three principles in handling with energy policy strategy which are proportionally divided among activities, added value, and cultural side. He explains that there are two approaches in dealing with world oil price hikes, from supply and demand facet. The government is making effort to cope the both side. From supply facet, the government initiated production optimization and energy mixed policy. Meanwhile, from demand side are enhancing community habits to be thrift with energy. Hatta expect the society to start learn the economical life in energy usage. He insisted that among government alone have succeeds to lessen the energy consumption till 30%. “Reduction on energy consumption equal to 30% doesn’t necessarily make the life to suffer”, he said. Efendi propose what was planned by the government shall be communicated well to public. Therefore Hanan said that domestic oil production should be used more for the accomplishment of local need. He also noted weakness of Indonesia energy policy are lack of infrastructure and difficult energy access. Armi Susandi spoke Indonesia energy policy from climate change stand point. She said that global warm-up which caused by the green house effect have boosted up the earth temperature and the sea level. If sea level continues to go up, it is estimated around 115 fairish island in Indonesia will eventually sink. Some efforts are still possibly to tackle environment issue such as reforestation of critical farms and improve environment quality. The talk show took place in easy going atmosphere and attended by ITB Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Santoso, Msc.

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