Three ITB Students Won the 2nd Prize in Competitive Programming in Technoporia 2017

Oleh Holy Lovenia

Editor Holy Lovenia

BANDUNG, – Successfully challenging their selves to relentlessly break their limit, three ITB students, Jehian Norman Saviero (Informatics 2015), Arno Alexander (Informatics 2015), and Pratamamia Agung (Informatics 2015) won the second prize in Competitive Programming (CP) in Technology Euphoria (Techphoria) 2017. This national competition carried the theme “Raising Smart Technology for Modern Era in Indonesia” and was held by Faculty of Computer Science, Sriwijaya University.

About Technoporia 2017

Competitive Programming competition they faced had slightly different rule to the previous ones. CP competition in Technoporia 2017 was shorter than usual CP competition. There were four computational and logical issues that should be finished under two hours. Moreover, the point system used was partial point system where each correct test case counts.

During the first 30 minutes, Jehian, Arno, and Agung had not been able to finish any problem they faced. However, they did not wane and kept on improving their fighting spirit and team’s ranking. At the end of the competition, they rose and snatched the second prize.

Journey for Self-Mastery

The win was not merely the result of efforts in a few days. Jehian, Arno, and Agung had to make time for self-training on online websites routinely, and also deeply learnt many algorithms and data structures. With many practices, their capability to do programming to find specific solution under certain time limit and pressure also rises.

Beginning from their interest in logic and math, Jehian, Arno, and Agung gradually pursue every challenge toward victory. Many lost have they gone through before the win. From cancelling their participation in Ideafuse 2016 final because of funding issue, up to GEMASTIK 9 and Vompfest 2017 where they failed to reach the final round. Nonetheless, they believe that their effort will not go to waste, and that is proven by winning the second prize in Competitive Programming in Technoporia 2017.

Motivation for Striving

Every person has their reason and motivation to do more, especially with the support of others. If by doing something the surrounding could feel happy, that would be a good motivation. “I am small and way too small for ITB, but I hope my accomplishment today could motivate others to be better, so that they are encouraged and will motivate others. So on and the cycle will never stop,” said Jehian as the representative of his team.

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