Tutor of ITB Sangkuriang Dormitory Share Basic Food Packages to Employees for Better Bonding
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – The tutors of Institut Teknlologi Bandung (ITB) Sangkuriang Dormitory through a work program entitled ‘Merry Riana’ held an offline activity to establish fellowship between tutors and dormitory employees at Selasar Gedung A, Sangkuriang Dormitory, Monday (1/11/2021). The event was also a form of appreciation for the employees.
Still implementing health protocols, this event is the first time Sangkuriang Dormitory held face-to-face activities between Employees and Tutors of Sangkuriang Dormitory since the dormitory was temporarily closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. However, the ITB dormitory has been reopened on a limited basis.
The event began at noon until it was completed and guided by Tomi Nugroho (TA'19) and Ria Nurlita Rachmawati (MA'19)’ as MC. Remarks from the Dormitory Assistant representative, Moh. Afri Kusma Septian F., S.T., ITB Sangkuriang Boys Dormitory Coordinator, Darmi Maranata Pandia (MG'18), and Sangkuriang Dormitory Employee Coordinator, Juju Junaedi, opened the event.
"Hopefully, with this activity, we can maintain good cooperation between tutors and employees, to bring Sangkuriang ITB Dormitory to be better in terms of resident services and mentoring, as well as coaching for students," said Junaedi. In another speech, ITB Sangkuriang Dormitory Coordinator, Putra, emphasized the importance of fellowship and joint coordination related to managing dormitories in all respects.
Towards the closing, the MC invites all employees to get acquainted. After that, the Dormitory Tutors introduce themselves both who participate on-site and online via the Zoom platform. The event was closed with distributing basic food packages to Dormitory Employees by Dormitory Tutors and ended with prayers and taking group photos.
Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika 2020)
Translator: Aghisna Syifa R (Biologi, 2020)