Two lecturers from SITH ITB Obtain Research Opportunity in America Through the Fulbright Visiting Scholar
By Hafshah Najma Ashrawi
Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Fulbright Visiting Scholar program is a prestigious international educational exchange scholarship sponsored by the U.S. government. Officially registered in the Bachelor of International Exchange Council (Council for International Exchange of Scholars), this program is designed with the aim to increase understanding between the people of the United States with scholars from various other countries. Currently, there are more than 300,000 participants were selected based on academic achievement and leadership potential. The participants were selected to participate in this program have the opportunity to study, conduct research, exchange ideas, and to contribute and discuss together to find solutions to international problems. In Indonesia, participants for this scholarship accommodated by the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF).Marselina, lecturer in Immunology, Gene Therapy, Cancer Biology, and several other subjects had the opportunity to conduct research at the University Medical Center in Kansas. Marselina obtained his PhD in Molecular Biology in Lubeck, Germany; specialized in research related to cancer cells, and are members of the Group of Scientific Physiology, Development of Animal and Biomedical Science at SITH ITB. Indry Rachmawati, a graduate student who is also one of Marselina's students, admitted that indeed Marselina is very intelligent. "Mrs. Marsel was very smart and knew everything. Her teaching methods also fun and interactive, in addition he is humorous and spontaneous," said Indry.
Following Interest and PassionBesides Marselina , Ernawati also had the opportunity to conduct research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg on vaccine development . Erna who took immunology and virology does have a keen interest in both of these areas , so that all stages of the research and work done without the expense . On his research , Ernawati with other scientists from various countries trying to develop a vaccine candidate virus particles for diarrhea caused by viruses , which can also be developed for other disease vaccines . This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Immunology and Virology using animals as a model.
Ernawati said that these researches bring a lot of valuable experience . " I met a lot of scientists from various fields and the opportunity to discuss and exchange the latest information about science , " said Erna . Professors who teach Cell Biology , Virology , Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology , and several other subjects admitted for proposing scholarship proposal because as a lecturer , she felt the need to hone and add back the knowledge and information for knowledge and new techniques , which can be used also for the benefit of institutions.
In addition to the opportunity to do research and experiment with a lot of fund in world-class laboratories, Erna also gained valuable experience by learning the work ethic and culture of American scientists and other countries. "They work effectively and efficiently so fast paced in all lines. If there is a problem, surely the solution is obtained very quickly as well," said Erna.Erna was deeply grateful for her fortune to be representative of Indonesia for Fulbright Visiting Scholar program with Marselina . from their chances to settle for 10 months , Erna told that Indonesia with a variety of flora and fauna are rich can keep scientists from various countries were impressed . The scientists think Indonesia is very rich and has a lot of potential that can be studied and used to the world of science , especially vaccines .
Graduated from University of Bristol 's Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Erna is developing a vaccine Hepatitis B. The research is in the development stage vaccine seed is done with colleagues who are members of the Indonesian Vaccine Consortium . Armed with the experience and knowledge gained from the Fulbright Visiting Scholar , Erna was greatly assisted in applying the techniques and test methods to study the development of the Hepatitis B vaccine .
With the ideals of her own nature to explore the potential for developing a vaccine and drugs from Indonesia , Erna always told the students to open their own opportunities in life . Erna believes tha, the opportunities and prospects for a good life; it depends on themselves and their intentions . " We also had to have a vision and a purpose in life , and most importantly, must be willing to contribute to the communities where we are , " said Erna.